Big Tity George

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Thank you @MF35903 (the text looks funny and I forgot their name and my name, so that's awkward). They said Dream Team but they are girls. Okay, that's the story. Don't ask about the title. Okay on with the story. This one is very cute and has nothing to do with the strange title lol.

Jenga is a game of physical skill created by British board game designer and author Leslie Scott, and currently marketed by Hasbro. Players take turns removing one block at a time from a tower constructed of 54 blocks. Each block removed is then placed on top of the tower, creating a progressively more unstable structure.

Hi, welcome this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, besides this one time, because my heart can't take pain right now, right now my heart can take the pain. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.


(No name change, but I will change their pronouns if I remember. If they're not changed it's because I forgot. I am just going to stick with he/him for them. I'm lazy and sleepy lol). It was rainy out today, so Dream, SapNap, and George all stayed inside and decided to play board games. The first game they pulled out was Jenga. They had put dares on each block for them all to do if they got the block. George had his dark brown hair type up in a high ponytail. George had a dark blue hoodie on with some pajama pants that wear also dark blue. And next to George sat SapNap. SapNap (and Dream is what autocorrect says) had his light brown hair pushed back with a white headband. SapNap was wearing a panda bear onesie with some fuzzy socks on. Dream had his hair down (they all have long hair, but Dream). He had gotten it cut so it stopped above his shoulders. Dream was wearing a white t-shirt and some jeans. Overall they were having a blast together. "George you go first," SapNap suggested. "Okay," George said as he leaned over and picked a block from the bottom of the tower. "Give the person to the left of you a hug," George read aloud. SapNap smiled. He had planned this perfectly. (I had a joke, but it has been deleted) George rolls his eyes as he hugs SapNap. "Let go of me idiot," George said in between giggles as SapNap squeezed him. Sapnap laughs as he lets George go back to his normal spot in the triangle circle thing they were sat in. Dream went next. He picked a block that was near the top of the tower, but not on the top of the tower. "Take off one article of clothing and in parentheses, it says it better be a sock or something," Dream reads aloud. Dream looks down to see he is not wearing socks. "Guess it will have to be my shirt," He says as he takes off his shirt. To the others, surprise Dream had another shirt under that shirt. "That's anti-climatic," Sapnap says with a pout. "Very," George said with a laugh. Sapnap picks out a block and reads it aloud. "Do four cartwheels." Both George and Dream laugh as Sapnap gets up and tries to find an open area. "I did gymnastics as a child, but I doubt I can do one now," Sapnap says as he attempts to do cartwheels. Sapnap puts his hands on the floor and kicks over. He repeats this three more times. "Whew I feel dizzy," Sapnap said as he stumbled over to where he was sitting. George once again picked a block from the bottom of the tower. "What is your deepest darkest fear (Often a mixed bag, depending on the person it can be interesting, funny, or downright depressing)?" George read aloud. "Uh, we'll definitely heights. Rollercoasters scare the yell out of me because they flip upside down and around and it just makes me scared and nauseous," George admitted nervously. And then the game continued. After a while of playing Jenga George ended up knocking it over and ending the game. "Sorry I didn't mean it," George said as Sapnap pulled out the next game for the two of them to play. "It's all good, that game got boring after a while," Sapnap said as Dream helped him lay the twister mat out on the floor. (They might play one more game after this one and then I will end the story because I am not feeling well right now). "Okay, it says for a three-person game you must have two players face each other from opposite ends of the mat, with the third player facing the center from the two middle red circles along the side. And the gameplay follows that of the two-player game. That's basically it. Fuck the rules, let's just all play at once where ever we want on the mat," Sapnap said as he proceeded to throw the rules somewhere else. Sapnap spun the disk thing that chooses your fate in twister (I also forgot what that disk thing is called. I forgot how this works. The last time I played it was at Joshua tree and this kid ripped the mat out of range, so I am going based off my shitty memory from over four years ago). "Left foot red," Sapnap says as they all put their left foot on red. "Shit. I should take off my socks," George said, but it was too late they were already in the game and you couldn't take off any articles of clothing just to make it harder. "This is going to get real boring real fast, so we will change it up. George put your right hand one red (Sapnap points to him which colors are which and because this is my story it says which color it is on the dot thing). (I am blasting heatwaves while I write this lol. My mom is questioning my life choices right now) Dream put your left one on green and I will keep my hand in the air," Sapnap said and everyone put their body part where it needed to go. Okay in case someone doesn't know how the mat looks, I will explain it and put a diagram at the end showing where they put their hands and all that. Okay so the red column of dots is on the left side of the mat I think (I don't know my left from right sorry). The blue column is right next to that one and then the yellow column and on the far right I think is the green column of dots. I will put letters on each signaling the places that everyone was in. (S is Sapnap, D is Dream and G George, pretty explanatory and I will but left leg or right arm, for which body part is there because I like to go above and beyond for y'all. Right leg is RL, Left leg is LL, right arm is RA, and left arm is LA). George's ass is right in Sapnap's face, so he puts the spinner on his back. "Hey!" George yelled as the others started to laugh. "George put your left hand on the blue one right next to Dreams foot. Dream you put your right leg on the yellow in front of George's left leg and I will put my right hand on green," Sapnap says and they all do so. George was doing like a bridge type move while Dream was standing over him and Sapnap's hand was going over George and in between Dreams legs. "Hurry up and spin I'm slipping," George yelled at Sapnap as he spun the spinner. "George put your right leg on the yellow next to Dreams right leg-," Sapnap didn't finish his statement before George collapse and began to laugh. "My hands were getting tired sorry," George said as they all got up and cleaned the game up. "It's fine. It's actually really late so maybe we should go to sleep. Can we cuddle in my room?" Sapnap asked and the other two nod and then make their way up the stairs and get ready for slumbering.

That was ass, but cute. Sapnap and Dream both laid their heads on big tity George and fell asleep. Okay, thank you and good day, since I am not feeling well and I am very sleepy. I hope you enjoyed toodles!

Ya, that's about it. If anybody reads this, you request if you want. Bye and always remember this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.

 /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated

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