The Blind Man and The Hunter

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I got this idea from the folktale the blind man and the hunter. I was working on it with my tutor, so why not write a fanfic about it. I tell you a bit about the folktale and them how I will put my own spin on it.

Once there was a blind man who lived with his sister in a hut near the forest. Well, the blind man's sister fell in love with a hunter, and they were married. When the wedding feast was finished, the hunter came to live with his new wife. But the hunter had no time at all for her brother, the blind man. So there is the prompt. Here is the twist. George is the blind man who lives with his sister. But in this one, the sister is his younger brother, whose name is SapNap, because of my story my rules. SapNap does not fall in love with Dream but instead assigns Dream as his and George's protector since George was blind and SapNap was still too young to take care of himself. And our story takes place when the hunter (Dream) finally takes George hunting with him. I hope you enjoy this!

Hi, welcome this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.


Once upon a time, in a land not too far from here lived a blind man, his little brother, and their protector. Their house sat on the edge of town and on the start of a forest. Since George was blind his other sense was sharp and very good. That made George the wise man of the town. Of course, Dream being the egotistical and arrogant (I am not saying that he is those things in real life. This is just for the plot) hunter he was, didn't believe a word the blind man said. George would sit outside his humble abode and wait for people to walk by. He would wait and He would wait and he would wait. Many people never knew what the man waited for and many did. The man was waiting for someone to walk by and ask him the same question everyone always asked him. (George isn't like one hundred years old, he is twenty-four and very wise). "(I forgot the question, let me go look it up, lol) Blind man, how was it that you were so wise?" The people would ask. George would always reply with the same answer "Because I see with my ears," George's response sure did throw some off and also drove others to question him. Of course, others never thought that much about it, until the hunter came. Dream would walk in and out of the house and he would always say "What use is a man with no eyes?" And he would go to the forest and hunt for food. George would always ask if he could come along, but Dream always brushed him off or say no. Dream would say "What use is a man with no eyes?" And then go along his merry way. But today was different, Dream was in a good mood for once. So for once you decide to bring the blind man along. Dream got out his spears and traps and they were both on the way to get some food. Dream put one arm around the blind man's waist to ensure his safety. They walked and they walked. "So Blind man, why is it you wanted to come hunting with me?" Dream asked the shorter male. George just shrugged. "I never get to go outside of the house perimeter without a guide and sapnap is too young to stay out late, so it has always been my dream to go out and feel the world," George said with a smile. And for once in the hunter's life, he smiled. It was a small smile, but it was a smile. "Your smiling?" George says in a cheeky tone of voice. "How did you?-No I am not," Dream said as he looked away from George. "Ah, okay," George said not believing him. They continued walking throughout the forest, Dreams hand still on George's waist as they walked and they walked and they walked (in the actual folktale there is a lot of repeating so that is why there is a lot of repeating in this one). After a few minutes of walking George stops dead in his tracks. "Why are you stopping?" Dream asked confusedly. "Shhhh, there is a lion near," George said as he stayed still. Dream looked around. There was no lion insight. "Are you crazy? I don't see a lion," Dream said simply as he looked around more. "There is a lion. Buts it is fine. The lion has eaten and is fast asleep so he won't hurt us," George said with a smile. Dream sighed in relief as he put an arm around George's waist and they continued walking. (We are about halfway through and I almost have one thousand words, so that's good). They walk down the path some more and Dream is sort of surprise when he sees a lion lying under a tree fast asleep. "There is a lion, but how did you see it. You are blind?" Dream asked in a questioning tone of voice. He wasn't at all trying to be offensive, he was very interested in how the blind man knew there was a lion up ahead. "I told you this before. It is because I see with my ears," George said with a smile. Dream just nodded and gave him a small smile back. "Maybe he does see with his ears?" Dream thought to himself as they walked and they walked and they walked. They finally made it to their destination. "We are here, now we shall put out and set up the traps," Dream said as he handed one trap to George. "How do I set the trap up?" George asked as he looked in the hunters' general direction. Dream went over to George and got behind him. "You set it up like this," He said as he took George's hands in his own and set up the trap. "Ah, thank you," George said with a smile as he was blushing. "Your welcome," Dream said as he set up his own trap. "We shall come back tomorrow and see what we caught," Dream says as he wraps one arm around George's waist.

Time skip to the next morning when they see what they have caught. Time skip brought to you by this being one of the two-time skips. Time skip also brought to you by Spanish class starting soon. (I hope yall are enjoying this so far. Folktales are so much fun to write, so if you guys have folktale requests I will do them).

It was the next morning and Dream had just finished getting ready and he was walking out the front door. Dream was surprised when he saw that the blind man was already ready to go. "Hello, George! Are you ready to go see what we have caught?" Dream asked. George turned around and smiled at the man. "Would you like me to guide you or?" Dream asked nervously. "You can if you'd like! But I know the way!" George said with a smile. "How does he-?" Dream thinks to himself and then George cuts him off as he walks ahead of him. And just like that they walked and they walked and they walked. After a while of walking, they finally reach their destination. There, in the two traps, Dream saw two birds. In George's trap, there was a beautiful bird. It had beautiful feathers of green, gold, and crimson. It was truly a shame that this beautiful bird had been captured, but eh, more food am I right. Dream looked over at his trap. His trap had a small gray bird in it. He smirked as he handed George the small gray bird and he keeps the beautiful bird to himself. "George? If you are so wise answer me this. Why is there so much anger and hatred in this world?" Dream said in a questioning tone of voice. His plan was to throw off the blind man and trick him. But of course, he was unsuccessful, because George said "Because the world is filled with people like you- who take what is not theirs." Dream was gobsmacked (Gobsmacked is an adjective that means completely shocked. That is today's word of the day by the way) by the blind man's answer. Dream looked down shamefully. The man could truly see with his ears. Dream sighed as he took the small bird out of George's hands and replaced it with the beautiful crimson, gold, and green bird. "I am sorry George, my greed got the best of me," Dream admitted shamefully as he looked anywhere but George and the birds. They stayed in silence for a bit. "George? If you are so clever then answer me this question? Why is there so much love and kindness in this world?" Dream asked with a small smile. George smiled. "Because the world is full of so many people like you- who learn by their mistakes," George said as he kissed Dreams nose with a smile.

And from that day forward Dream and George began dating and lived together, with their son Sapnap. And every time Dream would hear someone ask George "Blind man, how is it you are so wise?" Dream would always answer before George and say "That's because he sees with his ears and he hears with his heart," Dream kissed George's forehead and they all lived happily ever after. And that's where our story ends. The moral of this story is to never judge a book by its cover and instead of hating on someone for something they can not change fall in love with them instead. I hope you enjoyed this. It took a while because I am lazy. Anyway, Toodles loves it! Stay safe and much love to all!

Ya, that's about it. If anybody reads this, you request if you want. Bye and always remember this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.

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