Forgotten boyfriend

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This is a request from @jeonkookiejeoan1747 (i was about to go to sleep, so this will be rushed. Hahaha sorry). Okay, they said "Okay thanks! I was wondering if you could do one about how Sapnap, Dream, and George are in a relationship together and Dream and Sapnap move in together and George gets upset because he can't be with them and Dream and Sapnap slowly forget about him and you could make it a sad or happy ending. I don't know, but I just want some angst. I love your one-shots and your writing <3," Thank you so much for the prompt and I am glad you like my writing. I hope you enjoy this is going to be short.

Hi, welcome this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.


Dream and Sapnap had recently moved in together and literally, the whole world knew about it. Sadly, because of lockdown rules, Goerge couldn't move in with them, so that was sad and that made George very upset and angry that he couldn't see his boyfriends, because of Mrs. Rona taking her sweet time touring the world. "Okay, well that's a wrap. Sapnap and I are going to have dinner. You have a good night George!" Dream said with a waved and then the call had ended. They filmed a video for George to upload in a few days or weeks. Sapnap and Dream went downstairs and ate the homophobic chicken that they had ordered because both of these grown ass men couldn't cook for shit (sorry I am just throwing insults left and right, it is getting late, so that's why lol). They finished eating their food and they had both thrown it away. "You coming to cuddle with me or your too scared," Sapnap said as he went to go walk up the stairs to where he was staying. "Maybe next time babe, I am really tired and I can't deal with your clingy ass while I sleep," Dream said with a cheeky smile. "Shut up! You like my clinginess," Sapnap said as he grabbed Dreams collar and kissed him on the lips. They had both gotten tested and quarantined themselves in their rooms, so they didn't have it. "Yeah yeah whatever," Dream said as he walked down the stairs as Sapnap walked up the stairs. "Night babe!" Dream said as he walked to his room. Sapnap then walked to his room and changed into his sleepwear. George sighed. Dream and Sapnap had always texted him goodnight before he went to sleep or they went to sleep, so this was weird. George heard a ding and he looked at his phone. He smiled a small smile as he saw who it was. 'Goodnight Georgie, love you!' The message said. George smiled it was from small Q. 'Goodnight,' George texted back and then he fell into a deep slumber and he was off to dreamland. The night had rolled by as quick as it came. George woke up to no text. Usually, Sapnap and/or Dream would text him when he woke up or something. "I guess they are just busy," George said to himself as he rolled back over in bed. "Busy loving each other without you," A voice said in the back of George's mind. George quickly shook it off. Once this whole thing lifted and he got tested he could be with them and love them too. But what if this horrible thing never ended and Mrs. Rona stayed on her world tour forever? George shook his head. He needs to stop thinking of all these horrible thoughts and just call and ask how they are doing. George sighed as he grabbed his phone off the nightstand and face timed Dream. George smiled as it rang. He didn't care if he wouldn't see Dreams face he just wanted to know how they were doing. It rang once. No answer. It rang twice and there was still no answer. It rang thrice and George bit his lip. What would someone be doing that is more important than calling your boyfriend. It rang for the last time and the screen just said Dream didn't answer or whatever the facetime thing says when people don't answer. George sighed as he went to put his phone back on the nightstand. An idea then sparked his mind. He could call Sapnap. He did have two boyfriends after all. George clicked the facetime button and the same thing happened. He didn't pick up. "They are busy. They haven't seen each other in a while and they just need to catch up," George tried to convince himself. "They don't care for you George. They have known each other a lot longer than they have known you," The voice said once more. "Stop! Stop! (the stuff I just wrote got deleted, now I am going to watch the book of life to cope with it) Stop!" George said to the mind manipulating voice in his head. George just shook it off and just took it he needed more sleep that's why. George went to rest his head on the pillow. Not without those words replaying in his mind over and over and over again. They don't care for you George. The days went on and on and on. And there was no sign of George's boyfriends. They hadn't answered any of his calls, text, nothing. It seems like they had just forgotten (now I am watching Mulan because the dude whos the captain or some shit is the biggest bisexual I have ever seen) all about his existence. And that was just the case. Dream and Sapnap had been so busy catching up with one another they had forgotten all about their twitch channels, their youtube channels, and their boyfriend.

Time skip a month or so to when lockdown lifts and Goerge comes over because he doesn't have Mrs ronies and yeah. Dream and Sapnap admit to their wrong doing's and yeah. Time skip brought to you by this story coming to an end because I am tired and getting lazy. Time skip brought to you by me writing sagas, because these one-shot are going to come to an end soon.

"Get the door," Sapnap said as he attempted to make pasta. Dream walked over to the door and opened it. There stood George with a small smile on his face and a piece of luggage in hand. "Oh my god, I forgot you were coming. I am so sorry. This will never happen again," Dream said. Stories over. I am going to go watch the book of life.

They promised to never let George out of their sight again and that promise was kept. That's it. I am sorry if this wasn't what you are looking for. It's midnight, I'm lazy okay. Anyways toodles!

Ya, that's about it. If anybody actually reads this, you request if you want. Bye and always remember this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.

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