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George loved cake. He loved all kinds of cake. Buttercream cake, chocolate cake, (I am going to ask my friends for more types of cakes, I don't eat cake), vanilla cake, Cheesecake, pancakes, cupcakes, scones and so many more. He ate cake for almost every meal. Dream, his boyfriend, noticed this and of course and gave him more cake and regular food to balance it out. George gained a few extra pounds from eating all this cake and then grows self-conscious about it. But Dream ensured him that he looks beautiful no matter what his size is. Period boo. Dream is the best boyfriend in this one.

I want two things dead and that's the conveniently placed full body mirror and Jacob (Jacob is the dude from twilight by the way). They both deserve pain.

Hi, welcome this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.


"Baby come sit, I got you more cake," Dream says as he sits down at the dining room table. George quickly makes his way over to Dream and sits on his lap. George began eating the buttercream cake. Dream had noticed that George weighed a bit more than last time. Eh, Dream wasn't complaining, as long as George is happy, he is as well. "How's the cake gorgeous?" Dream asks as he gently pats one of George's thighs. "Good," George says with a smile as he eats more of the cake. "Would you like some?" George says with cake in his mouth. Dream laughed and shook his head. "No babes, you can eat it all," Dream said with a smile. George smiled and ate the rest of the cake. "You still hungry?" Dream asked the smaller boy. "Um, not really no, I kinda want to sleep," George says with a smile. "Ok," Dream says as the two waddle their way up the stairs and into their bedroom. Dream lies down in bed and George makes his way over to the bathroom. "Make sure to brush your teeth in the bathroom. I don't want you getting cavities," Dream said with a smile as George giggles and nods and then goes in the bathroom shutting the door. George walked into the bathroom and was instantly greeted by everyone's worse nightmare, the conveniently placed fully body mirror (this mirror has been in so many of my stories it's crazy lol). George looked at himself up in down in the mirror. He had gained weight and it was starting to get very visible. George's smile changed to a frown. "I wonder how much I weigh?" George thought to himself sadly and looked at the extra fat he had on his body now. George could way himself if his boyfriend didn't break the scale by jumping on it repeatedly. George's whole day was ruined. He was so fat on every piece of his body it was overwhelming. "What if Dream is judging me silently?" A bunch of thoughts like that clouded George's head and he had made himself sick. Maybe he should lay off the cake and actually work out when he went to the gym with Dream. "Angel!? You okay?!" Dream yelled from the bedroom. It had been about an hour and a half and Dream knew it didn't take that long for anyone to brush their teeth. "Yeah!" George managed to muster out as the tears began to fall right out of his big brown eyes. George turns on the water from the sink and runs his toothbrush under it. George shuts off the water and brushes his teeth as he cried silently while looking at himself in the mirror. Dream was sat on the bed as he heard the water get shut off, but he still heard some sort of water a sniffling (he is hearing the tears, I repeat he is hearing the tears). Dreams curiosity got the best of him and he walked towards the bathroom to see if that's where the noise was coming from. He was right! That is where the noise was coming from. Dream opened the door slightly and was met with a sad sight. There his baby sat on the floor looking at himself in the mirror with tears in his eyes. "George!" Dream said as he went to go hold his boyfriend. Dream grabbed him and held him in his arms. George began to bawl (I think that's the right word) his eyes out as he held on to Dreams shirt. "Am I ugly?!" George cried out as he continued to hold onto his loved one. "No baby, of course not. Who told you that?!" Dream asked frantically. George was the most beautiful person he ever did see, whoever told him otherwise he was gonna throw hands with them. "The mirror," George said quietly. Dream didn't question it and moved his baby out of the way and began to punch the mirror. The mirror shattered instantly but Dream just kept on punching it. After a while of him beating the mirror, he stopped and went to comfort his baby. Dreams knuckles were bloody from the glass and so was one of his legs. "I should lay off the cake," George said as he lightly laughed at his boyfriend who had just beat up the mirror. "No, you don't have to. You are beautiful just the way you are. If anyone tells you differently, I will hurt them," Dream says as he gives his baby all of the kisses he wants. George giggles. "Can we cuddle once you wash off your hands?" George asked with puppy dog eyes. "Of course baby," Dream says with a smile.

And just like that, they cuddled the day way. The mirror's reign of terror on the boys had stopped for now, because the mirror was shattered and broken. I hope you enjoy this sorry it's short. I am getting lazy and I want to get two stories out today. Anyways toodles!

Ya, that's about it. If anybody actually reads this, you request if you want. Bye and always remember this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.

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