Mini Mila (chapter 3)

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When people cared about each other, they always found a way to make it work.
– Nicolas Sparks

Camila POV

The next morning I woke up by the sound of the crying Riley. I rubbed my eyes and then immediately checked her diaper. I realized it was full, so I took it off and threw it in the rubbish bin. Then, I took a new diaper from the baby bag and put it on Riley, but she didn't stop crying. I was confused for a second, but then I realized she had to be hungry. I took the baby bottle quickly, washed it and prepared her some milk.

As I got back in the bedroom I picked up Riley and feed her with the bottle. She immediately stopped crying and drunk the milk quietly.

I heard that someone entered the apartment, but I was relaxed knowing that it was probably Addison.

,,Mila?" The person who entered shouted and I immediately recognized Addison.


After a second, Adi entered the bedroom and looked at how cute Riley was.

,,What's up?" I asked while I was still feeding Riley.

,,I organized the funeral... All Nina's close friends are gonna be there.."

,,When is it?"

,,Tomorrow. I'll pick you up and we'll go together."

,,Okay.." I said trying to focus on Riley and not at how much I was gonna miss my big sister.

,,Did you eat breakfast?" Addison asked.

,,I just woke up."

,,Do you wanna go to a cafe and eat breakfast together?"


Riley finished her milk and I put the bottle on the bedside table. I changed her in other clothes and put the old ones in the washer together with some other clothes of mine.

Addison took Riley and exited the room with her so I could also get changed. It was spring, so I put a basic shirt and some jeans on. I exited the room and saw that Adi put Riley in her baby stroller.

,,I also organized a truck that will bring all the stuff from your family home here." Addison said while I put my shoes on.

,,Thank you." I said and gave her a hug.

,,No problem. I told you I'm gonna help you as much as I can." We broke the hug and went together to the cafe Shawn brought me to yesterday.

We sat at a table and ordered some pancakes.

,,I got a job." I said out of the sudden.

,,Oh my god! That's great!" Addison said excited and almost fell down from her chair.

,,You'll never guess who's my boss."

,,Right behind you." A familiar voice said from behind me and as I turned around, I saw Shawn.

,,Oh hi!" I said and gave him a hug.

,,Hey. You better?"

,,Yeah... If you can say it like that. What are you doing here?"

,,Grabbing some coffee before work."

,,Are you sure I can't come to work till next week?"

,,Mila! I told you I want you to calm down. With all the things that are happening in your life right now I could never ask you to come to work."

,,Wait a minute!" Addison interrupted our conversation. ,,Shawn is your boss? Shawn from college is your boss?" She asked in shock and we both nodded and said simultaneously:

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