A Disney love (chapter 75)

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“To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return.”
– Madonna

Camila POV

The next day, we met some of Aaliyah's new friends and they showed us some really good restaurants and coffee shops.

Shawn seemed a little off that day and Aaliyah kept whispering stuff to him, but I did’t give it much thought.

,,So tomorrow is your birthday?" Danielle, one of Aaliyah's friends asked me.

,,Yes." I answered with a friendly smile.

,,What are you going to do on your birthday?" She asked and I looked at Shawn for an answer.

,,Yeah, Shawn. What are we going to do on my birthday?" I asked with a smirk.

,,It's a surprise." He said and gave me a smirk back.

,,You know it?" I asked Aaliyah and she nodded.

,,Damnit.." I said and Aaliyah started laughing lightly.

,,Language, madame." Shawn said and I couldn't help but laugh at his accent.

The day was relaxing and it was cool to meet Aaliyah's new friends. They all seemed a little shy, but they were nice people.

The next day it was MY BIRTHDAY!

I woke up and the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Shawn standing there with such a good looking breakfast.

,,Happy birthday, love." He said and I let out an excited pitch scream that made him chuckle.

,,Thank you!" I said and jumped up in the bed to give him a thighs hug.

,,Now you have to eat it and tell me if it's tasty." He said and I broke the hug to take one croissant.

,,Mhhh! You didn’t make it, did you?" I asked and he chuckled lightly as he sat down next to me and wrapped one of his arms around my waist.

,,Is it that obvious?" He asked and I couldn't help, but laugh lightly.

,,Let's just say this tastes way to French for you to cook it." I said and he laughed.

,,That's the nice way to say that this tastes good compared to my food." He said and kissed my cheek.

,,No! Not true. Your food is amazing, but this is just...French?" I said and we both started laughing lightly. ,,So what are we doing today?" I asked excited.

,,Nothing...What should we do?" He asked and I was lightly disappointed. ,,I'm kidding." He said as he saw my facial expression. ,,You looked like a sad puppy... I wouldn't bring you to Paris if we'd do nothing on your freaking birthday." He said and gave me a kiss on the lips.

,,So...What are we doing then?" I asked and locked my fingers in his hair.

,,Not gonna tell you..." He said and I groaned.

,,How am I supposed to pick out an outfit then?" I asked and he laughed at my question.

,,Is that your big problem?"

,,YES! Obviously!" I said and he laughed again.

,,I'd pick one for you, but I can't even pick one for me. Just dress with something you would go on a walk through Paris." He said and raised his shoulder as and "I don't know" sign.

,,Great! That helped a lot!" I said sarcastically.

,,What else should I tell you then!?" He asked confused.

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