Head shorter (chapter 125)

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"Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there. " –Unknown

Riley POV

The training was literally amazing! I was pretty sad when it came to an end.

All the people in the team were so freaking cool. I already loved it here and I hoped so badly that I would get in the team.

,,Riley, Henry, Tamara, stay here while the rest can go and get ready to leave." The coach said and everyone did as they were said.

I took my towel just like everyone else after we got out the pool and then Tamara, Henry and I walked over to the coach.

The coach was writing something on a paper and in the meantime I looked at Mason who was waiting patiently to see what the coach had to say.

,,So.... You three did a very good job. I've to say that I'm impressed so I guess you all can stay. Welcome to the team. We have training every day after school so I'll see you tomorrow." The coach said and I wanted to scream and jump around from excitement, but I had to held it back.

I looked over to Mason and he was standing up and showing me thumbs up while he jumped around excitement trying to not make to many noise. I jumped lightly in place with a grin on my face and tried all my best to not freak out in front of the coach.

,,You're free to go now too." The coach said and Tamara and Henry made their way to the locker rooms, but first of all I had to let my excitement out so I ran over to Mason and jumped in his arms giving him a koala hug.

,,I did it!" I said excited and he chuckled lightly before he put me back on the floor slowly. ,,Ups... Sorry now you're wet." I said as I realized that I made his shirt a little wet by jumping in his arms.

,,Doesn't matter. You did it! You're in the team!" He said excited and then picked me up again. I giggled lightly and then spotted Tamara with the corner of my eye looking at us while entering the locker room. ,,I'll buy you an ice cream to celebrate." Mason said and kissed my cheek before he put me back on the ground.

,,I'll have to get changed first." I said smiling widely because I was still so happy.

,,Okay then go and hurry up." He said and then I just ran to the locker room making Mason laugh lightly.

,,Are you in the team?" Sonia immediately asked as I walked through the door.

,,Yes!" I said excited and they all cheered and then pulled me in a big hug.

,,Congratulations!" They all said.

,,We are gonna be unstoppable this year!" Denice said happily.

,,Hopefully, but now we should get changed." Sonia said and everyone nodded.

,,By the way, Riley. You're boyfriend is so cute and supportive. My boyfriend never comes at my training." Lina said and it took me a while to understand about who she was talking.

,,He's not-" Tamara and I said at the same time.

Why did she had the need to clarify it?

,,He's my best friend." I said while looking at Tamara. She started getting changed and I was so curious to know what was going on in her mind.

,,It's still really cute that he's staying at your training." Lina said while we were both getting changed.

,,He came just to piss me off." I said and Lina chuckled.

,,Why would that piss you off?" She asked.

,,'Cause he will make fun of me later." I said and she chuckled again.

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