Birthday boy (chapter 46)

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"Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.”
– Misty Copeland

Camila POV

,,It would be so cool! I'd send you pictures every day if I get that exchange year." Aaliyah said excited while we all were in the living room just chilling and talking.

,,In what country would you like to go tho? I mean Europe is big!" Shawn said while he and I were playing around with Riley cause she couldn't stay still at all.

She was crawling over mine and Shawn's lap all the time and was pulling on our shirts to get attention from time to time.

,,I'd love to go to France or Italy, but these two are the basics anyways. Everyone wants to go there." Aaliyah said answering Shawn's earlier question.

,,Everyone wants to go there, but not everyone can, so if you wanna go, then go. Our friend Jamie has been there and he had the time of his life. If you get that exchange year, then don't overthink it too much." Shawn said to his sister.

,,I just hope I get that exchange year and let the country choosing be my only worry, but until then, I have to wait for the results of who got it." Aaliyah said and right then the interphone rang and I knew exactly who it was.

,,I get it." I said and rushed from the couch to answer the interphone.

Riley was looking after me and tried to follow me and she almost fell down from the couch,but Shawn didn't let her fall. He catched her by her shirt and pulled her in his arms.

,,Where do you think you are going, princess?" Shawn asked and tickled her stomach as I answered the interphone:


,,The party animals are here!" I heard Addison's voice and that made me giggle.

,,Come on in then." I said and opened the building door with the interphone.

,,Who is it?" Shawn asked while he was still holding Riley.

,,A surprise." I said with a smirk and opened the apartment door to wait for Addison and the others.

Shawn looked at his parents and Aaliyah and they smirked at him too. They all knew my plans and I begged for everything to be perfect.

I wanted his birthday to be special. I wanted him to remember it.

As the elevator door opened and everyone got out, they all stormed in the apartment and shouted "SURPRISE!" while they ran to hug and wish Shawn a happy birthday.

,,What are you guys wearing?" He asked and laughed at them afterwards.

,,Addison thought it was funny to dress as colorful as possible and I don't wanna argue with a pregnant woman." Ethan said and Addison slapped his shoulder lightly. ,,Sorry ma'am..." Ethan said and then mutted 'Help me!' to Shawn. That only made Shawn laugh.

,,Addison! You are pregnant as fuck!" Aaliyah shouted and gave Addison a hug.

,,See, Mila! I look fat!" Addison complained and I rolled my eyes.

,,If you look fat, what should I say!?" Zara said and everyone laughed.

,,You only look pregnant. I look fat." Addison said and I walked behind her and put my hands around her throat playfully.

,,I'm gonna kill you if you say this one more time! You are beautiful!" I said and kissed her cheek before I let go of her neck.

,,Shawn, your girlfriend is hitting on me!" Addison said loudly and I rolled my eyes.

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