Worst night ever 1/2 (chapter 43)

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"Friendship is the purest love.”
– Osho

*Throwback 1/2*
*3 years ago*

Camila POV

,,Adi! Truth or dare?" Ethan asked Addison at a truth or dare game at a party we all were at.

Shawn, Addison, Zara, Lena, Ethan, Austin, Daniel and I were sitting in a circle together with two other girls named Ellie and Julia and a guy named Jamie who seemed really cool.

,,Dare." Adi said with a smirk on her face.

,,I dare you to go to that nerd over there and ask him if he wants you to strip for him." Ethan said and Addison's jaw fell, but then she stood up and she really walked over to that guy.

She made some sexy moves, but the poor guy was in pure shock. Everyone was laughing at the scene in front of their eyes and suddenly Addison turned around and started running back to us while she was laughing so hard.

,,That guy was terrified! He really rejected me!" Addison said between laughters and fell on the floor right next to me.

,,Ouch! Someone rejected Addison Woods! Oh my god!" Ethan said to annoy Addison.

,,Shut up, you idiot!" Addison said and slapped Ethan lightly. ,,Okay now it's my turn. Camilita, truth or dare."

,,Dare." I said confident and the smirk that appeared afterwards made me overthinking my answer.

,,I dare you to kiss Shawn." Addison said and my eyes grew wide.

Everyone in the circle started to cheer in excitement and I didn't know what to do. I know Addison thinks there is something more than just a friendship between us, but I have a boyfriend now and Shawn has all his girls.

Well I have to be honest that Jason is not the best boyfriend and I liked to be single and go from guy to guy, but I wanted to 'try' something new. But anyway, Shawn is just my friend and friends don't kiss.

,,Adi, I have a boyfriend." I whispered.

,,That guy over there!? Oh please!" Addison said and pointed at Jason who was drinking together with his friends.

,,Adi..." I begged, but that only made it worse because suddenly everyone started to yell "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!".

I looked at Shawn and he had an "I don't care" look on his face and that made me feel better, but at the same time it made me sad and I couldn't say why.

,,I don't mind if you don't mind." He said with a smirk.

,,Just stop smirking like that." I said and slapped his shoulder lightly.

,,Yes, ma'am. Now do your dare and show them who's a bad bitch." He said and I laughed lightly at his words.

I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the fact that everyone was staring at us and was waiting for that kiss.

I put my hands on his cheeks and then kissed him. I didn't want it to be passionate or deep or anything more than just a pick, but in the moment my lips touched his, my stomach started doing backflips and I feel fireworks through my whole body. I blamed it on the alcohol because I knew it wasn't right what I was doing, but I couldn't stop myself.

He placed his hands on my hips and kissed me deeper and I let him. I let him take control over the whole kiss and forgot completely about our audience that was cheering and screaming around.

,,Take a room!" I heard someone shout and with that we broke apart and as I was met with his eyes, I immediately looked away thinking about how much I enjoyed the kiss.

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