Spoiled (chapter 74)

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“Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.”
– Unknown

*2 months later*

Camila POV

,,You have to send me pictures of you in Paris!" Caroline, Carlos’ 12 years old daughter and my cousin said when we were in the airport saying goodbye.

Carlos and I did some blood tests to make sure we are related and when it came out and we found out we were really relative I was so abnormally happy. I had a real blood relative family and that was so mind-blowing for me.

,,I for sure will and you have to text me what you want me to bring you from Paris." I said and she clapped her hands excited.

,,Don't spoil her so much." Carlos said and I rolled my eyes.

,,Of course I spoil my favorite cousins. By the way you have to text me too what you want, Alex." I said to Alex, Carlos’ 16 years old son and my cousin.

,,Whatever." Alex said and rolled his eyes.

,,Alex, be nicer to Camila." Nora, Carlos wife, said.

,,Can you bring me a good looking French girl?" Alex asked and Shawn and I laughed lightly.

,,I'll tell Aaliyah to give you all the phone numbers of all of her classmates." Shawn said and I slapped his shoulder lightly.

,,Aren't they a little too old for him?" I asked.

,,No! I like older girls." Alex said and I gasped.

,,Holy shit, little guy! I like your attitude!" Adi said and high-fived Alex.

Addison came to say goodbye too and left Stacy with Matt for the night.

,,Shawn, you're not gonna do that." Carlos warned Shawn and Alex rolled his eyes.

,,Dad! You're destroying all the fun." Alex said and Shawn tried so hard to hide his laughters.

,,I wish you two to not have teenage kids. Oh wait, you'll get there with this princess." Carlos said and pointed at Riley who was asleep in my arms because it was over her bedtime and our plane is a night plane. At least we knew that she will sleep most of the time in the plane.

,,Carlos, we are keeping them from going and they'll miss their flight." Mary said and pulled me in for a hug. ,,Gonna miss you kiddo." She said and I giggled lightly.

,,It's just a few weeks." I said and broke the hug with her.

,,I'm still gonna miss you three so much." Mary said and then Shawn hugged her.

,,We are gonna miss you too." He said and kissed her cheek.

Mary became like a mom to me and like a second mom to Shawn. She was always there for us and we were always there for her. Because Nick decided to leave her alone, that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve a family. Nick was an asshole who left all the good people in his life behind and that was totally clear now.

We said all our goodbyes and then got through the security gates. We didn't have to wait long for our flight and after we boarded, both Shawn and I fell asleep immediately. Riley was in Shawn's lap while I was leaning with my head against his shoulder and he rested his head on mine.

The flight was long, but we slept through more than the half of it, so it didn't felt SO long. When we landed in Paris it was 12pm and Aaliyah was waiting for us at our interval. As she saw us, she immediately ran in our direction and gave us a big hug.

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