Why is baby hitting you? (chapter 99)

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“Our family is a circle of strength of love with every birth and every union the circle grows.”

Camila POV

,,Riley, can you tell mommy that I am okay and she can go home with you tonight?" Shawn asked Riley as it started getting dark outside.

,,Hey! Don't make her say that because I won't be able to say no!" I said and Shawn chuckled.

,,But, babe, that's exactly what I want." Shawn said and smirked while I gave him a mean look.

,,Mommy...." Riley said and gave me her puppy eyes.

,,Argh not the puppy eyes." I said and hid my face in my hands, but Riley came to me and put my hands away to make me look at her, but I just squeezed my eyes tight to not look at her.

,,Don't let me alone, mommy..." She said and I let out a small scream.

,,It's not fair! I don't wanna choose!" I said and gave them both my puppy eyes.

,,You don't have to. We already chose for you. You are going home with Riley." Shawn said and Riley nodded.

,,But you are going to be alone..." I said and hugged him tight.

,,Doctor Wilson said that if everything looks good tomorrow, then I can go home. So most probably it's just gonna be a night." Shawn said.

,,Can you sleep with me then?" I asked Riley with my puppy eyes.

,,Of course, mommy." Riley said with a smile and added herself to the hug.

When we had to go home, Riley and I took a cab because Manny and Karen had left to go and figure out what happened to our car. They said we shouldn't worry about the car because they would take care of it and they did.

Our car is apparently really damaged and the repair would cost a lot of money. Shawn and I would have to decide to repair the old one or just buy a new one.

Aaliyah was pretty busy herself with her work, so she only visited Shawn today for an hour.

Karen and Manny came and slept at our apartment. Riley slept with me as she promised and kept asking me questions about the baby. I thought it was so cute of her that she was curious about her little brother.

,,I'm excited for the baby to come." Riley said and gave me a tired smile before she cuddled up on me and fell asleep seconds later.

,,I'm excited too." I whispered and kissed the top of her head.

I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep, but my mind wandered to Shawn. I know he was okay, but I was still scared. It's just that I lost so many people and I couldn't face losing him that's why I suddenly felt like I needed to be by his side to make sure he doesn't disappear.

The next day, the doctor gave Shawn the okay to go home and Manny and Karen came to help because I wasn't much of a big help thinking about the fact that I was 7 months pregnant. I also did some tests to see if the baby was okay before we went back home. Shawn insisted to check because I stressed myself out a lot in the past few days and we both wanted everything to be okay, so we did the tests and it turns out everything was perfectly fine.

Shawn's recovery was hard. Karen and Manuel would spend a lot of time with us because either Shawn or I needed help with something and I couldn't be more thankful for their help during Shawn's recovery time.

Shawn wasn't at the praxis to work since the accident and that was understandable. Liliana and Addison made sure not to give many appointments for that time because there weren't enough people for many patients.

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