Keys (chapter 26)

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"Love is friendship on fire.” – Susan Sontag

Camila POV

That night was full with tears and apologizes. We promised to each other to never fight like that again.

The next day, everything went back to normal. We woke up, ate breakfast together and also spent a lot of time together and with Riley.

At some point during the day, my phone rang and as I looked at the screen I saw that Addison was calling. I immediately answered the phone.

,,Morning, beautiful!" I said happily on the phone and Shawn looked at me with a questioning look. ,,Addison." I whispered and he chuckled.

,,Morning, auntie! Ahm....I was wondering if you can come over and help me with you know....what we talked yesterday."

,,I think I can. Wait a second. Don't hang up!" I said and then put the phone away from my ear and said to Shawn: ,,Addison needs me today..."

,,That's okay. I have to go to my apartment anyways. I wasn't there in the past weeks at all."

,,Are you staying there the night?" I asked hoping the answer is no.

,,You want me to stay there?"

,,No!" I answered pretty quickly and that made him chuckle.

,,Then I won't."

,,Oh wait." I said and stood up from couch where we were sitting and rushed in the bedroom. I looked through the drawer–where I keep all my medical records and stuff–for the other key set for the building and the apartment. As I found it, I walked back with the keys in the living room and handed them to Shawn.

,,What are those for?" He asked and looked confused at me.

,,For the apartment and the building." I said and smiled at him.

,,For this apartment? And this building?" He asked and seemed a little bit in shock.

Was it too early to give him the keys to my apartment...?

,,Yeah...Y- You don't have to take them if you don't want to. I was just thinking that you don't need to wait for me until I get home and you can come here whenever you want. And-"

,,Thank you." He interrupted me as he noticed the way I started to panic and talk faster.

He took something out of his jeans pocket, took my hand in his and put what he got out of his pocket in my hand. It was also a pair of keys and I looked confused at him not knowing for what they were for. I had a clue, but...

,,If you give me the keys for your apartment, it's only fair if I give you keys for mine too." He said and I felt my cheeks getting hotter.

I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled at him. I added the two keys he gave me to my key ring where all my keys were hanging and he did the same with his.

,,Shit! Addison is still on the phone." I said and he started laughing at me. ,,Adi?" I asked on the phone and started blushing even harder.

,,Finally! My hair started to get grey in the meantime."

,,Ha. Ha. Funny." I said bored and that only made her laugh.

,,So? Are you coming over?"

,,Yep. When should I come?"

,,The faster the better."

,,Okay I'll get changed and...wait. Don't hang up!"


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