Mama (chapter 70)

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"To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there." –Barbara Bush

Camila POV

Shawn and I walked back home while I was clinging on his arm. I couldn't help, but think about the man I talked to in the cemetery. I tried to remember anything about an uncle, but nothing came in my mind.

He was probably just lying, but why would he lie? He doesn't know anything about me, so why mess with me?

Something in me kinda wished that the man wasn't lying... But if he was telling the truth tho, then I'd hate him. I'd hate him for letting me think there was no one else.

Shawn and I picked Riley up from Addison's apartment and then walked home. I was exhausted even if it was morning. I couldn't sleep all night and I started to feel a little headache.

When we got home, I walked in the living room and made myself comfortable on the couch. Shawn placed Riley on the couch next to me and I held her tight in my arms.

She was my only blood relative and I knew it.

,,You want a hot chocolate?" Shawn asked as he walked in the kitchen.

,,Yes, please..." I said with a soft smile.

I looked at Riley while I was playing lightly with her soft short hair. She was just looking at me with wide eyes.

,,Mila, is this necklace yours?" Shawn asked from the kitchen and as I looked over, I saw him holding up the necklace from Nina.

,,Yeah... It's my birthday gift from Nina." I said and saw his facial expression change lightly.

He started walking from the kitchen in the living room with the two hot chocolates and the necklace. He placed the hot chocolates on the coffee table and then sat on the couch next to me.

,,Can I?" He asked and held up the necklace. I knew he wanted to put it on me, so I nodded.

I moved my hair in the front and then turned around with my back to him, so he could put the necklace on. His fingers brushed lightly over my skin as he put it on and that gave me chills like everytime. I was still surprised at how my body was reacting to everything he does.

,,Thank you..." I said and placed my hand over the necklace that was now around my neck.

He didn't say anything and instead kissed the back of my neck and then wrapped his arm around me. I giggled lightly at the feeling and then let myself relax against him.

I looked back at Riley who was smiling widely at me. She suddenly took my index finger in her little hand and then just looked me in the eyes.

This little baby was warming my heart with just a simple look, but the next thing that happened made me cry from happiness. She opened her little mouth and said:


My eyes widen and a smile appeared on my face along some tears.

,,Did you hear that?" I asked Shawn shocked and as I looked over my shoulder at him, I saw that he was just as shocked.

,,Yeah..." It's all he managed to say.

,,Yeah, baby girl. I'm your mama." I said with tears in my eyes and kissed the top of her head.

We just stayed like that for a while. Just the three of us hugging and relaxing in each other's arms.

We spend all that day just cuddling and playing. That one word lighted up all my day and suddenly all the bad disappeared.

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