Mama knows best (chapter 56)

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“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” – Robert A. Heinlein

Shawn POV

Riley wouldn't let go of Camila, so as we had to go home with the car, Camila sat in the backseat with her in her arms.

The ride felt so much shorter and lighter now that we knew Riley was in safe with us. I kept looking at Mila and Riley through the mirror to check on them. Melanie assured me that she will take care of the jerk that slapped Mila, but I was still feeling so angry about this whole day.

When we got home, Camila looked so exhausted. I was pretty tired too, but after everything, I don't think I'll be able to close an eye all night.

,,I think I'm going to bed." Mila said.

,,Okay. I'll come later. I need to give some calls before that." I said and she nodded.

,,Can Riley sleep with us?" She asked and that brought a smile on my face.

,,I hoped you'd ask that." I said and she left a kiss on my cheek before she entered the bedroom with Riley.

I fell on the couch exhausted and looked at the wall in front of me for a while. Afterwards, I took my phone out of my pocket and saw hundreds of missed calls and messages.

Most of them were from mom and Aaliyah so I decided to call mom first. The phone rang for probably a second and she immediately picked up.

,,Why the hell don't you answer your damn phone!? I called you and Camila for a hundred times! Where were you!?" My mom yelled in the phone and I heard in her voice that she was worried. I tried to keep my tears in and not start crying again, but it was too hard and a few tears escaped me. ,,Shawn? Say something!"

,,I'm sorry... It's was a fucked up day and..." I tried to explain, but I couldn't find my words.

,,Shawn, baby...What happened?" Mom asked and I took some deep breaths to calm down.

,,Yesterday... We found out that Riley has a grandmother that didn't know about Riley, but now that she does she wants Riley. Today, while Mila and I were at work... The children's protection got in our apartment and they took Riley because they said it was a mistake that the grandmother didn't knew anything about Riley. Now we have her back, but I don't even understand what happened. Everything was a mess and-..." I tried to explain, but I was too confused about this whole situation.

,,So if I got this right, you are telling me that some people broke into your apartment to take Riley while you weren't home!?"

,,No. They threatened Mrs Harrison, but I don't even know with what."

,,I'm confused... Didn't Camila adopt Riley?"

,,She did! That's why we got Riley back. There were these two men that wouldn't understand the importance of a contract. Melanie, the one who was in charge of Riley's case, helped us and Mila 'won' the case."

,,So all this happened because this grandmother suddenly showed up and wanted Riley."

,,Ding! Ding! You got it!" I said and let my head fall on the back of the couch.

,,And why did she even want Riley?"

,,Because she said that she wants to take care of Riley until Nick is ready to take care of Riley. That's so fucked up! Who thinks about something like that!? Riley can have a normal childhood with Mila, but she wants to destroy that!? What grandmother wants something like that for their granddaughter!? I mean Riley already had to go through so many changes! Why one more!?"

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