I have questions (chapter 50)

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“The memories we make with our family is everything.” –Candace Cameron Bure

Camila POV

Shawn and I planned to talk about moving in together and after that, I planned to go home with Riley, but we 'forgot' about it as we started talking with his parents and Aaliyah.

We all had dinner together and as it started to get late I didn't want to go home anymore.

,,Mom? Dad? How long are you two staying in New York?" Aaliyah asked her parents.

,,We planned to stay until Friday. Why?" Karen said.

,,I wanted to go home with you for a few days. I was hoping to see the town again." Aaliyah said excited.

,,That's great, Liyah! You wanna come too?" Karen asked looking at me and Shawn.

,,We were kind of planing to move in together and with all the stuff that is going to happen in the next months and now it's the perfect timing." Shawn informed them and I smiled at him.

,,We still have to plan a lot of stuff, but that kinda is the plan." I said and they smiled widely at us.

,,That sounds great. If you two need help, call me. Okay?" Manuel said.

,,We will, but I don't think it's going to be necessary." Shawn said with a smile.

,,Whatever you want. I think we'll go to sleep. It's getting late." Manuel said and smiled at Karen.

,,Goodnight, kids." Karen said and walked with Manuel in their guest room.

,,I'm going to go to bed too cause I planned something for tomorrow for Riley, mom, dad and I until you two get home." Aaliyah said.

,,You wanna babysit her again?" I asked.

,,Of course! She's the cutest baby I've ever seen! Goodnight, bro." Aaliyah said and gave Shawn a kiss on the cheek. ,,Night, Mila." She said and gave me a tight hug.

,,Goodnight, Liyah." Shawn and I said at the same time and Aaliyah walked in her guest room.

,,Please tell me you aren't going to your apartment anymore." Shawn said with puppy eyes.

,,I'm too tired for that."

,,YES!" He said loudly.

,,Shhhh! Your parents and Aaliyah went to sleep." I said and put my hand over his mouth.

,,Sorry..." He said and I put my hand away.

,,But if I stay, Riley will have to sleep with us cause I don't have the stroller here neither the baby basket."

,,Deal!" He said with a huge smile on his face.

We got Riley and walked with her in the bedroom. I changed her in her pajamas, I just changed in one of Shawn's T-shirts and some shorts and Shawn was just in a shirt and his boxers.

We got in bed and put Riley between us. I wasn't tired and just wanted to talk with him for a while.

,,So.... Which room is going to be Riley's?" I asked and a smile appeared on his face with that.

,,I was thinking about the one who is opposite to ours. You know, the one that is empty right now. This way we can hear her if she cries or whatever." Shawn said and I couldn't help, but smile like an idiot.

,,Our bedroom?" I asked with a soft look.

I loved hearing the word "our". I don't know why, but hearing it excites something in me.

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