Positiv or negative (chapter 108)

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“Being pregnant was the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life. Except for the cupcakes.”
— Ashlee Simpson

Camila POV

,,Guys I have an idea." Jamie said interrupting the truth or dare game.

,,Another game?" Zara asked.

,,Kinda..... I thought about this and I thought it might be fine to try it on you." Jamie said.

,,Bro, you are scaring me." Adi said and everyone laughed while nodding in agreement.

,,So you wanna know what I was thinking or....?" Jamie asked and looked innocent at all of us.

,,Yes!" Everyone said at the same time and that scared Jamie lightly.

,,Okay, okay, okay!" He said and then ran to take something out of his backpack.

,,What is that?" Adi asked as she noticed that Jamie took out a plastic bag out of his backpack.

,,Take a look yourself." Jamie said and threw the back at Adi.

,,BRO! What the actual fuck!?" Adi said as she looked in the back.

,,What is in there?" Zara asked as she took the bag from Adi and looked in there herself. ,,What the hack, Jamie!? Why did you get this!?" Zara asked confused.

,,Show us!" I said and Zara turned around the back making four pregnancy tests fall out of the bag.

,,What the fuck!?" Shawn, Ethan, Daniel, Austin, Lena and I asked at the same time.

,,Well because all of you, ladies, are married or almost married and all of you besides Lena already have one or more kids I thought it could be fun to see if there are any upcoming babies." Jamie said and I didn't know why, but I started laughing and that also made everyone else start laughing.

,,Why don't you take a test?" Lena asked Jamie between laughters.

,,Maybe because I have a dick and it's not possible for me to get pregnant. Duh!" Jamie said and we all started laughing so hard at his sassy answer.

,,MaYbE bEcAuSe I hAvE a DiCk." Ethen imitated Jamie and we all started laughing even harder.

,,You all are bullying me!" Jamie complained and made his puppy face.

,,Ohhhhh! Come here, poor baby." I said and stood up from the couch to pull Jamie in for a hug.

,,She's a good friend! Not like all of you!" Jamie said and hugged me tighter while the rest continued laughing.

,,No, she is just the mom of two kids and gets soft easily." Adi said playfully.

,,I take it as a compliment...." I said and then Jamie and I broke the hug.

,,Now that you all laughed at me, go make the tests." Jamie said.

,,You were serious?" I asked as I sat back down on the couch.

,,YES! After all four of you do it, we put all the tests in a box and then mix them so we don't know which one is who's." Jamie said.

,,And what if one is positive? How do we know who is pregnant?" Lena asked.

,,She has a point!" Zara said and Adi and I nodded while the guys just looked lost.

,,Not knowing who it is at the beginning is the fun part! Now just do it! Zara, it's your wedding tomorrow so you go first." Jamie said and made Zara to stand up and go to the bathroom with a test.

,,How do you always come up with these ideas?" Shawn asked Jamie after Zara left.

,,I don't know. I'm just the life of the party. " Jamie said and made us all laugh lightly.

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