New neighbor? (chapter 28)

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"We can't change the past. Instead we can change the way we look at the past." —Unknown

Camila POV

After a while of talking and joking around with Addison, I thought it was time for me to go back home.

,,Hey... It's already pretty late. Shawn is for sure waiting for me." I said and as I looked down at Riley who was in my arms,  I noticed she fell asleep.

,,It's okay. See you on Monday." Adi said smiling at me.

,,Yeah. Just one more thing..."

,,What is it?"

,,I didn't tell Shawn about you being pregnant because I wanted your permission for it first or I thought you may want to tell him..."

,,Actually, I think it's better if you tell him... I mean in this case I don't have to explain myself on Monday why I need to leave earlier."

,,He'll be so happy for you and we will both be there for you no matter what. I promise."

,,You promise?"

,,I promise with my life." I said and she pulled me into a hug, but was carefully as she saw Riley asleep.

,,You know what I was thinking?" Addison asked and seemed excited about what she was about to tell me.


,,If I have a baby boy and you have Riley they can get married and we're going to be relatives!" She said and we both started laughing uncontrollably.

,,I don't think that's going to be that easy. I mean if they are going to grow up so close than it may be hard for them to accept their feelings and-"

,,Okay! I got it! We won't let them end up like you and Shawn. And I mean with that the fact that you two needed six years to finally accept you like each other."

,,Ha. Ha. You are really funny sometimes."

,,I know! I'm hilarious! My baby is so lucky to have such a cool mom!" She said and we both laughed.

,,I'm gonna pray for him or her."

,,Hey!" She said and hit me lightly.

,,And what if the baby is a girl?"


,,You told me about your fantasy of Riley and your baby if it is a boy. What if she's a girl?"

,,That's obvious. They will be like sisters." She said smiling.

She just made me daydream for a moment and that dream was amazing. It seemed just so perfect. I couldn't believe that that dream may become true in 9 months.

Holy shit how much has changed... 9 months ago we were just two crazy girls dreaming about finally finishing college and 9 months from now we will be both....moms?

Isn't that terrifying?

I mean I'm already a mom, but not officially. I still need to adopt Riley and I hope that will happen in the near future.

I really hope Nina is proud of me. I hope she thinks I'm doing a good job with her baby...

,,I love you, Bigfoot, but I think I should go now."

,,I love you too, gnome, but are we really going back to these nicknames?"

,,I guess so."

,,Will change them later, right? I don't like them that much."

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