I think I'm okay (chapter 97)

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"It's okay to not be okay. Just be."

Camila POV

I was just sitting on the chair next to Shawn's bed and watched him sleep peacefully as the door to the room opened. I turned around to see Aaliyah and she looked so worried.

,,Is he okay?" She asked and walked over to me and gave me a tight hug.

,,Yeah...for now." I said and she broke the hug to look at me confused.

,,What does for now mean?" She asked.

,,He had internal bleedings. The doctor said that it can be possible that he has more that they didn't identify yet." I said.

,,You can have more internal bleedings?" She asked.

,,I don't know! All this overwhelms me to the maximum level." I said and my head literally felt like a whole mess.

,,Mila, you should go home and relax. I can stay with Shawn." Aaliyah said and I shook my head.

,,No... I can't go home. I wanna be here." I said and Aaliyah made me sit down on the chair next to Shawn's bed.

,,Mila, hear me out. I know you are scared, but I promise to call you no matter what happens. You need to rest, Mila. You're pregnant and staying here is not good for you and the baby." Aaliyah said and held her hands on my shoulder.

,,You don't get it. I can't go home because all I will do is stress more and think even more about him. I wanna be here when he wakes up." I said and Aaliyah took a deep breath.

,,When he is going to wake up, he's going to tell you the same." Aaliyah said.

,,Fine, but I won't leave." I said and right then the door to the room opened again and the nurse, who brought me to Shawn earlier, walked in.

,,I'm just here to check if everything is okay." The nurse said and I nodded at her.

,,Camila, please." Aaliyah said bringing the conversation back up.

,,No! I'm fine and the baby too." I said and crossed my arms over my chest just like Riley does when she wants to prove her point.

,,Whatever, but if something happens to you or the baby because you are stubborn and want to stay here, Shawn will feel responsible. You know that?" Aaliyah asked.

,,Liyah, please... I can't go. I'm perfectly fine here. Mary brought us stuff to be more comfortable while we're here." I said and Aaliyah rolled her eyes.

,,Fine. Stay, but you'll see that Shawn will tell you the same when he's going to wake up." Aaliyah said.

,,Fine. We'll see then." I said and Aaliyah nodded.

We stayed in silence until the nurse left and afterwards a while, Aaliyah spoke up again.

,,Are you mad?" She asked.

,,What? No! I know you just wish me the best, but I just can't go at least until I know that he is totally okay." I said and Aaliyah nodded.

,,Do you think that I should tell mom and dad?" Aaliyah asked.

,,Let's wait until Shawn wakes up and the doctor tells us more. I really don't want to stress them now." I said and Aaliyah nodded.

,,You're right. They would only want to come here and it's starting to get dark and I don't want dad to drive here while it's dark." Aaliyah said. ,,Mila, you should at least rest on the other bed. Please." Liyah said.

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