Shut up completely (chapter 78)

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“The most important thing in the world is family and love.”
–John Wooden

Camila POV

The next day, Riley kept saying that she doesn't want to go to kindergarten, but we somehow convinced her to go by telling her that she can see Aaliyah after kindergarten.

Aaliyah ended college and was now a lawyer. She lives in New York too, just on the other side of New York. I called her when Shawn and I arrived at the praxis and had to wait for the new possible coworker.

,,Of course I'll come over!" Aaliyah said on the phone.

,,Okay great! Then we'll see you later." I said while I was trying to find my necklace.

,,See you later!" Aaliyah said and we hung up.

,,Where the fuck is it!?" I said to myself while I tried to find the necklace from Nina. I started panicking lightly as it wasn't in my bag nor anywhere in my office.

,,Mila, Dean Michel is here." Shawn said as he entered my office, but I was to busy to understand who he was referring to.

,,Who? What?" I asked and continued looking everywhere.

,,Dean Michel, the possible employee. What are you doing there?" Shawn asked confused.

,,I can't find my necklace." I said and noticed that my hands started shaking.

,,We'll find it later. Don't wor-"

,,No! You don't get it! I can't find my necklace!" I said loudly interrupting him.

,,Mila, relax." He said and placed his hands on my shoulders, but I pushed him away continued looking around.

,,I can't 'relax'! It's like I would lose my engagement ring! I can't lose that necklace." I said freaking out.

,,What's wrong here?" Addison asked as she entered the office too.

,,Mila can't find her necklace." Shawn said to Addison. ,,I'll go and look in my office too. Okay?" Shawn said and I only nodded.

,,I'm looking anywhere else." Addison said and before she could leave, Liliana walked in the office.

,,Doctor Cabello, is this yours? It was on the floor." Liliana said holding my necklace.

,,Oh my god... Thank you! Yes, it's mine." I said and took the necklace from her.

,,No problem." Liliana said and then I walked in Shawn's office to tell him that I found it.

,,Shawn...I found it." I said and he let out a breath. I started feeling bad for how I reacted. I mean, it wasn't his fault.

,,Thank god." He said and gave me a smile.

,,I'm sorry for how I reacted..." I said and he walked closer, putting his hands on my waist.

,,Don't be. I understand. It's one if the only things that reminds you of Nina. You're reaction was normal." He said and I put my arms around his torso to give him a tight hug. ,,You want me to put it on?" He asked me and I nodded against his chest.

We broke the hug, he took the necklace from my hand and I turned around, so he could put the necklace on. I put my hair to the side to make it easier for him and after he put it on, he kissed the back of my neck softly.

,,Thank you." I said and turned around to look at him.

,,Doctor Mendes? Doctor Cabello? Can Mr Michel come in?" Liliana asked as she opened the door to Shawn's office.

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