I want to be heartbroken (chapter 17)

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"Never let your best friends get lonely...keep disturbing them." - Candlelight Publications

Camila POV

During the ride we heard all the time music on the radio and as Shake It Off by Taylor Swift came I turned the volume up and started jamming on it. Shawn smiled and chuckled as I started to sing and dance along with the music.

,,Still a Taylor Swift fan?" He asked with a smile on his face.

,,Once a Swiftie always a Swiftie." I said and he chuckled.

,,I missed to hear you sing." He said and looked at me as he stopped the car at a red light.

,,Now that you mention that.....Do you still play the guitar?" I asked and turned the music back to normal as another song came on the radio.

,,Of course. Well, not as often as I used to, but yeah I do." He said and that brought a smile on my face.

I remember how I always in college I asked him to play it for me and he did. He was always singing while playing and I loved to hear him. He sometimes said I have to sing with him if he plays it for me and I did. Now remembering those times, I realize how stupid we were.

I remembered the deep eye contacts while we were singing or while he was singing. I remembered how sometimes we were so close, but always pulled away after we stopped singing. Argh! I could slap the younger me!

,,Would you play again for me like you used to?" I asked with an excited smile on my face.

,,Of course. I'd love to" He said smiling and drove off as the lights turned green. The drive didn't take long from there and we got pretty quickly at mine and Riley's building. Shawn parked the car on a free parking spot and helped me to carry the stuff upstairs.

I took Riley and let her baby car seat in Shawn's car. I opened the building door with my keys and Shawn carried our bags upstairs while I carried Riley. As I was struggling to open the apartment door, I heard how my neighbor's door opened and Dan exited his apartment.

,,Hi there! Were you gone over the weekend?" Dan asked friendly.

,,Hi! Yeah, we were gone." I said and that's when I finally succeeded to unlock the door.

,,Together?" Dan asked and pointed at Shawn.

,,Yes. Jealous?" Shawn asked and that made me smile. Apparently I'm not the only one who can get jealous easily.

,,No. Not at all. You were first so she's yours, but when you're done with her, I'm next." Dan said and that my jaw fell. What am I? An object!?

,,You don't talk like that about a woman and for sure not about mine!" Shawn said in a protective way I only heard once before...and made me enter the apartment.

The memory that flashed in my head gave me chills and I tried so hard to shake that memory away as fast as possible.

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation between Shawn and Dan because I was too busy getting my head free again. I only heard as the door to the apartment closed and as I looked up I saw how Shawn was placing the bags on the floor.

,,What an asshole! Why the fuck are some people like that!?" Shawn complained.

Shawn seemed calm again and that made me forget what happened a while ago. I relaxed again as the memory left my head or that's at least what I thought in that moment...

,,I never heard Dan talk like that. Maybe he was in a bad mood, but if he really is like that, then I understand why his girlfriend left him." I said and struggled taking my shoes off.

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