Blue or pink? (chapter 35)

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"Twinkle, twinkle little star, how we wonder what you are?"

Camila POV

Zara's and Daniel's families arrived a few minutes after us and after an hour of just talking and chilling, Lena made us stand in a row. I was confused and did as I was told. I took Riley in my arms and and stood next to Shawn and Addison in the row. Lena got a camera and started filming us.

,,Okay I'll start asking every single one of you if in what team you are. Boy or girl? Let's start with you Georgia. Team boy or girl?" Lena asked and put the camera on the first person.

,,Girl." Georgia, Zara's mom said.

,,Harold! Boy or girl?"

,,Boy." Zara's dad said.

,,Mrs Andrews, boy or girl?"

,,Boy." Daniel's mom said.

,,Mr Andrews, boy or girl?"

,,Boy." Daniel's dad said.

,,Adi! Boy or girl?"

,,Girl. Definitely girl." Adi said and Lena moved the camera on me.

,,Camila! Riley! Boy or girl?" Lena asked.

,,Boy. I think it's a boy. I can feel it." I said and everyone laughed.

,,Shawn! Boy or girl?"

,,Boy. One more girl like you four and we go crazy." Shawn said and we all laughed again.

,,Danny! Boy or girl?" Lena asked her fiancé.

,,Boy. Shawn is right." Daniel said.

,,Let's ask the daddy. Boy or girl?" Lena asked Austin.


,,Interesting... And what does mommy think?"

,,Boy." Zara answered.

,,Op! We have here a lot of different options, but apparently the most of you think that the baby is a boy..." Lena said and then ran in the kitchen and came back with a tone of ice cream. What a dream... ,,Everyone takes one of those and the middle of one of these ice cream it's blue or pink. Blue for boy and pink for girl." Lena said and everyone grabbed an ice cream and then went back to where they were standing.

It wasn't all for me... Sad life...

We all opened our packages to reveal a ice cream on a stick. I couldn't open mine because I was holding Riley so Shawn did it for me.

,,Thank you." I said and gave him a smile.

,,No problem." He said smiling and as I looked back at Lena I saw she had filmed us and that made me blush lightly.

,,Cute!" She said and I blushed even harder. ,,Anyways let's start with the future parents. Zara, take a bite from your ice cream." Lena said and Zara did so.

,,It's white." Zara said and showed us that there was no color in the middle of her ice cream.

,,Daniel, it's your turn." Lena said and Daniel took a bit to reveal another white middle.

,,White." He said.

,,Let's move over to the grandparents. Mrs Andrews, what do you have?" Lena asked.


,,Mr Andrews?"


,,Maybe our hope is in Georgia's ice cream...." Lena said excited.

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