The truth (chapter 114)

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"Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy."
––Warren Wiersbe

Camila POV

Shawn and I waited until the kids were in the house before we started freaking out.

,,What the fuck are you doing here!?" I said pissed off looking at the one and only Nick Geller. If I had to name a person I hate from the bottom of my heart until the end of my days then Nick has the privilege to be that person.

,,I want my daughter back." He said and both Shawn and I started laughing.

,,Your daughter? She's not your daughter and she was never really your daughter." I said and crossed my arms over my chest wanting to seem intimidating.

,,I am her biological father so she is my daughter and I want her back." Nick said and I looked at Shawn who was standing right next to me also with his arms crossed over his chest.

,,You did nothing for that child. You only made her and left her without looking back. You don't deserve to be called a father. You don't deserve Riley as your daughter." Shawn said and pointed his index finger at Nick.

,,But you deserve to be her father or what?" Nick asked raising his voice.

,,He does because he is Riley's dad and he will always be." I said to Nick pushing him away from Shawn.

,,You two played enough mother and father, now give me my daughter back." Nick said and started walking more aggressively in my direction, but this time Shawn pushed him away.

,,Sorry not sorry, but she isn't even your daughter in official documents. I adopted her years ago. Already forgot that?" I asked, but Nick only smirked.

,,I'm going to sue you two and take my daughter back if that's what it takes. I mean who do think they will believe when I say that you two forced me to give you Riley?"

,,A fucking idiot will believe that I wanted to adopt a baby when I just finished college and just got a job." I said.

,,And what about when I tell them that you told my daughter that I am dead?" Nick asked and I couldn't describe the way my anger was growing inside of me.

,,You call her your daughter one more time and I'm calling the cops on you for getting on private property." I said and heard how the front door behind me and Shawn opened.

,,Mom? Why aren’t you coming in? And who is he?" Riley asked when I turned around.

,,He is no one and we are coming in a second. Can you help Ami and Nate brush their teeth until then?" I said smiling at her trying to hide my anger behind my smile.


,,Riley, please." Shawn said interrupting her.

,,No. She should stay and get to know her real dad. Not her fake one." Nick said and Shawn and I gave him a killer look. I swear that if Riley wasn't there both of us would have killed him right there.

,,Why does he keep saying he is my father? Nick is dead." Riley said and I felt so frustrated by the whole situation.

I wanted to push Riley in the house and keep her out of the conversation, but now it was too late 'cause if I would do that now she would start to get suspicious. Another thing she sadly has from me. Why can't she just be like Nina and keep herself out of every complicated situation?

,,Well you see-"

,,Shut the fuck up!" I said angrily to Nick and interrupting him. I then turned again to Riley and asked: ,,What do you mean with "keep saying"?"

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