The one (chapter 64)

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"You make me want to be a better man.”
– Melvin Udall

Camila POV

Days passed and Aaliyah's birthday was this weekend. Shawn, Riley and I were going to LA together with Shawn's parents and Shawn's cousin. We were all planing to surprise Aaliyah.

Shawn and I could only stay there for the weekend because we needed to come back to New York for work and for Addison. Addison's birth due date was coming near and we had to be there for her.

Adi confessed that she and Ethan started dating. She said that they both agreed to 'hide' the relationship from the baby when it's going to be born. Adi's baby already has a father and she and Ethan are still new land, so she doesn't want to include him in the whole parenting thing.

,,We are going to meet mom and dad at the airport. Camilla is going to meet us at the hotel we will be in LA." Shawn said.

,,I'm pretty excited to meet your cousin. Her name is great, I bet she has a great personality too." I said and he chuckled lightly.

,,You'll like her. I'm sure you two will get along." Shawn said with a smile.

,,I still don't understand why you didn't tell me that you have a cousin."

,,I don't know... We never talked about it and I really don't know." He said and chuckled again.

,,Well I guess I'm learning something new about you every day." I said and leaned in to kiss him.

,,I guess. Do you have some secret cousins?" Shawn asked and then just picked my lips.

,,Why would I always say that Riley is my only blood family if I had?" I asked and giggled.

,,Right... Stupid question. Sorry."

,,It's okay." I said with a smile and then kissed his lips again.

We took our bags to the car so we could leave for the airport. I was a little anxious to take Riley on a plane for the first time,  but I was more anxious about me being on a plane. I hate the landing! My ears somehow always hurt at the landing. It's apparently normal 'cause it's because of the pressure, but it's a really uncomfortable feeling.

We didn't have too much stuff because we were staying just a weekend, but most of our luggage was Riley's stuff. At the end, we took Riley too and put her in her car seat. I sat in the passenger seat and Shawn in the driver seat. The drive was so cool and we kept singing along the radio while Riley was giggling in the back.

I loved hearing Shawn sing even if it was just messing around. I asked him a while ago if he could play me some guitar again, but he never got to do it. I didn't hear him play in the past moths and I felt a little bad thinking that maybe he hadn't any time to do it since Riley and I moved in....

When we arrived at the airport, Shawn had to park the car and after he did so, we had to figure out who takes what bag.

We decided that I should carry Riley in the baby carrier while Shawn took our bags. We only had one backpack with our clothes and Riley's baby bag, but I still felt bad for not helping him.

We walked in the airport and went to the check in where we told Karen and Manuel we would meet.

,,There you are!" Manuel said as he saw us. He and Karen were apparently already there and were waiting for us.

,,Hey dad." Shawn said and gave his dad a bro hug. ,,Hi mom." He said and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek.

,,Hi honey." Karen said to Shawn and then turned her attention to me and Riley. ,,Hi to the two princesses!" She said with a smile on her face and pulled me in for a hug while we were careful not to kill Riley between us.

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