girlfriend/boyfriend (chapter 10)

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The love that comes from friendship is the underlying facet of a happy life." - Chelsea Handler

Camila POV

After the movie ended I noticed that Riley was sleeping peacefully in my arms. I stood up from the couch and walked in her room and put her down in her bed. I closed the window that was still opened and took the trash from the bin and wanted to bring it outside, but Shawn stopped me.

,,I'll do it." He said and took the trash bag from my hand.

,,It's okay. I have to take the one from the kitchen outside too." I said and tried to take the trash bag back, but he didn't let me.

,,I can take that too." He said and walked to the kitchen and took the trash from there too.

I wanted to tell him that he was doing too much for me, but if I did, I would have gotten a moral from him again about how he could never do too much for me. So I decided to shut up.

Before he left, I stopped him and and threw a pair of keys to him and he cought them.

,,For the back door. You can let the trash in the garbage can." I said smiling at him and he nodded at me before he left.

I told him to let the door opened to the apartment and he did so. I put my elbows on the kitchen counter and let my head fall in my hands. All this was so overwhelming. And I don't mean the part of taking care of Riley. I mean the consequences. I just wanted my sister back...

I tried to relax as I heard a door open. I looked up from my hands and saw my neighbor getting out of his apartment. He noticed me too and said not entering my apartment:

,,Camila! How are you?"

,,I'm okay. What about you? How was the vacation with your girlfriend?"

,,Let's just say that the word horrible is too small to describe it."

,,Oh... What happened?"

,,She broke up with me." He simply said and didn't seem to be heartbroken about it.

,,Ouch! On vacation?"

,,Yep. Anyway, it's not like she was the love of my life so I'm okay."

,,Then I don't know what to say: I'm sorry or I'm happy for you?"

,,I would prefer the second one. Anyway, I was wondering-" He said, but got interrupted as Shawn came back.

,,Done." Shawn said proudly and then noticed Dan my neighbor. ,,Hi, man!" Shawn greeted him, but for a reason Dan didn't seem so happy or maybe it was just my imagination.

,,Hi. And you are?" Dan asked.

,,I'm Shawn. Nice to meet you." He said smiling friendly. Oh god, his me!

,,I'm Dan, Camila's neighbor. Anyway, Camila I kinda wanted to ask you something."

,,Go on." I said and made space for Shawn to get in the apartment and he did so. He got in and waited for Dan to say what he wanted to say from behind me.

,,Are you maybe free tomorrow night?" He asked.

,,Why?" I asked and my smile kinda faded. Please don't ask me out. Please!

,,I was wondering if you may go out with me."


,,Dan, you just got out of a relationship." I said and I think Shawn walked away as he heard Dan's question. With walked away, I mean he probably went into another room.

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