He'll be right back (chapter 95)

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“I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien

Camila POV

Time passed and I was officially in maternity leave. All of our friends knew now that I was pregnant and they were all so supportive and so happy for us.

,,Oh my god! He kicked! He kicked!" Shawn said excited as we were home laying in bed about to fall asleep. He had his hand on my belly as we felt the baby move inside me.

,,That was the first time!" I said with tears in my eyes and he pulled me in for a hug.

Everything was just perfect.

Mary would also come over every day to hang out with me while Riley would be at kindergarten and Shawn would be at the praxis. Shawn was working way less now and that made me so happy because seeing him just in the morning and in the evening was a torture. He only worked in the morning now and would go and pick up Riley from kindergarten afterwards.

The new employee and the student that was doing his internship at our praxis would be at the praxis in the afternoon so that's why Shawn could come home earlier then he used to.

,,Mommy! Look what I did today in kindergarten!" Riley shouted the moment she walked in the apartment.

I stood up from the couch and walked to the apartment door where she and Shawn just walked in.

,,What did you do?" I asked with a smile.

,,Here!" She said, handed me a drawing that looked REALLY good and then started taking her shoes off.

,,Wow! This looks so good, sweetie. You are getting better every day." I said proudly.

,,We had to draw our fantasy world and this is mine. There is my castle and there is my unicorn." Riley said and pointed at the figures on the drawing.

,,That's really good. Do you want me to put it on the fridge?" I asked and Riley nodded excited.

,,How was work?" I asked Shawn and wrapped my arms around his torso to give him a hug.

,,Good. Boring without you." He said and kissed the top of my head.

,,Well you were the one who wanted me to relax at home." I said and giggled as I looked back at him.

,,And I still want that. I want you and the baby to be safe." He said and gave me a soft pick.

,,Shawn, do you want me to give you something to eat too?" Mary asked and I looked at her to see that she was in the kitchen with Riley.

,,Maybe a little later. I have to go over to Aaliyah now and bring her something real quick, but I'll be right back. Okay?" Shawn said and then looked down at me for confirmation.

,,You'll be quick?" I asked.

,,Like a cheetah." He said and I laughed lightly.

,,Okay. Take care" I said and he gave me one more pick.

,,I will. See you later. Okay?" He asked and I nodded. ,,Bye, princess." Shawn said to Riley and waived at her.

,,Bye, daddy. I love you!" Riley said and Shawn smiled widely as he walked away.

,,Then let's put this masterpiece of yours on the fridge." I said to Riley after Shawn walked away.

I took one of the free magnets and put it over Riley's drawing on the fridge.

,,Perfect." I said with a smile.

Riley ate lunch together with me and Mary and then we turned on the TV and watched something on Disney Channel. I looked all the time at my phone wondering what took Shawn so long.

I finally decided to call him and see why he didn't come yet, but to my surprise he didn't pick up. I was confused and also started feeling really uncomfortable in my sitting position.

,,Are you okay?" Mary asked me.

,,He doesn't pick up." I said as I tried to call him one more time.

,,He's probably with Aaliyah and doesn't hear his phone." Mary said and placed her hand on my back and rubbed it lightly.

,,Maybe I should call Aaliyah then." I said and searched for Aaliyah's contact on my phone.

,,Mila, you don't have to. I'm sure he'll be right back." Mary said calmly.

,,Yeah probably, but he always picks up and I have a weird feeling." I said and then called Aaliyah.

,,Hey, Mila!"

,,Hey! I was wondering if Shawn already left. He doesn't pick up his phone and I'm getting a little worried." I said and played with my wedding ring a little.

,,He didn't gt here yet. Maybe he's stuck in traffic or something." Aaliyah said and I suddenly got a really bad feeling about all this.

,,But he left almost an hour ago. He should've been there already with or without traffic." I said and stood up from the couch starting to walk anxiously around.

,,Just calm down, Mila. I'm sure he'll be here any minute. I'm gonna try to call him too. Okay?" Aaliyah said.

,,Okay." I simply said and then hung up to call Shawn again, but once again he didn't pick up.

Think Camila!

Got it!

I walked over to the TV remote and changed over to the news to see if there was traffic in our near.

,,Hey!" Riley said loudly as I did so.

,,Sorry, baby. I have to see if daddy is stuck in traffic." I said and right when I got to the news, they announced an accident that was on Shawn's way to Aaliyah so that probably meant he was stuck in the traffic the accident caused.

,,Mommy? Isn't that our car?" Riley asked and pointed at the screen.

I looked at where she pointed and tried to see if I could recognize the car being one of the ones in the traffic, but when I looked closer to where she pointed, my heart dropped.

,,A car didn't stop at a red light and continued driving with full speed hitting another car. The car that has been hit was driving completely correct. Our sources say that one of the two drivers died at the impact and the other one is injured and is right now on the way to the nearest hoaspital. We don't know how bad the injuries but from the way both cars look like, it doesn't look good. We'll keep you updated on any news!" The woman at the TV said and I suddenly felt like I was about to pass out.

Shawn POV

I walked out the apartment with a smile on my face. I took the elevator downstairs and then got in my car.

It took me a while until I arranged the seat because it seemed like Camila was the last one who drove the car thinking about the fact that the seat was way too close to the staring wheel.

Anyways, I smiled of the thought of her. Every time I think about her, a smile appears on my face automatically.

Thinking about our little family made even happy. I had to go and drop something at Aaliyah's so I could go back home and cuddle with my queen and my little princess.

I started the car and to my surprise, the streets were not as full as I expected them to be.

I stopped at a red light at some point and just waited peacefully for it to turn green. When it did so, I drove off, but when I looked at my right, fear overcome me and I froze.

A car who should have stopped at the red light was driving incredibly fast in my direction. I tried to drive away from it's way, but no success.

That car hit the right back of my car and that was the last thing I remember before everything went black.

Please don't hate me!!!! You guys know me.... I like a little drama from time to time and you know I always make it up.... 😌😅

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