Liar (chapter 116)

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"Trust your instincts, and make judgements on what your heart tells you. The heart will not betray you."
–David Gemmell

Camila POV

When Shawn and I finished work, we immediately made our way to Nate's and Ami's school so we could be there for Nate's first game of the season. I was happy that Riley said she will come to Nate's game. Nate would be devastated if Riley wouldn't come because he loves her and Ami so much.

,,Ready to go, love?" Shawn asked as he entered my office.

,,Yep! I just don't know where I put my phone after I texted Riley." I said and looked after my phone on my desk.

,,I think you left it in my office. I'll go and look." He said and smiled at me before he left to go in his office.

I continued looking after my phone in my office, but it wasn't there so I gave up.

,,The award of best phone finder and best husband goes to....Shawn Mendes." Shawn said as he entered my office again fluttering my phone around.

I laughed lightly at him and that brought a smirk on his face.

,,Thank you, best husband of the year." I said and walked over to him and kissed him softly before I took my phone away from him.

,,Correction! Best husband of the decade." He said and I giggled lightly while I wrapped my arms around his torso.

,,Best husband of the century." I said smiling at him.

,,I feel flattered." He said and we both started laughing.

,,We should go." I said and rested my cheek on his chest  while he played with my hair.

,,I know. Our little prince shouldn't be waiting, eh?" He said and I couldn't help but smile while I shook my head and looked up at him.

,,Of course not. Royalties aren't waiting for anyone." I joked and Shawn chuckled.

,,Then let's go, my queen." He said and I giggled while I took his hand in mine and we made our way to the car.

We got at the school pretty fast and we immediately made our way to the sports hall where the game was going to take place. There were a lot of people because it was the very first game of the season. Nate must be quite nervous.

We immediately spotted Ami and Nate with Ethan and Chase. Ethan was at every Nate's games just like me and Shawn. Ethan loves basketball just like Shawn and when Nate told us he wants to play basketball Ethan and Shawn were sooooo excited.

,,Hey, little man! How are you feeling?" Shawn asked Nate and hugged him lightly.

,,A little bit nervous, but I'm more excited to play. Where is Riley?" Nate asked and Shawn and I looked at each other with a questioning look.

,,She said she will come so don't worry about that." I said to Nate and kissed his cheek as an encouragement.

,,Okay! Dad, are you coming with me at the locker rooms? The couch said he wants one of our parents to be there too." Nate asked and Shawn nodded with a smile on his face.

,,Of course, buddy." Shawn said and patted Nathan's back lightly.

,,We are going to look for some free seats." I said to Shawn before he kissed my cheek and walked away with Nate in the direction of the locker rooms.

,,I saw some free seats earlier. Let's hope they are still free." Ethan said and I nodded.

Ethan and I made our way with Ami and Chase and to our surprise, the seats Ethan was talking about were free.

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