Dinner for two besties (chapter 12)

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"Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.”―Elie Wiesel

Camila POV

As I got home with Riley after our walk, I put her in her bed to take a nap while I looked on the internet after more baby tips. I found out that a four months old baby has to do a lot of vaccines, so I should get a doctor appointment for her.

I remembered that my friend Hannah is a children doctor, so I decided to call her. To my surprise, she picked up after a few rings.

,,Doctor Hannah Tonks here. With what can I help you?"

,,Hannah! Hi... It's Camila. Camila Cabello. I don't know if you remember me..."

,,Oh my god! Camila! Of course I remember you! What's up?" She asked excited.

,,Well I know you are a children doctor, so I was wondering if I could make an appointment for my niece."

,,Ahmm... Sure! How old is she?"

,,4 months."

,,Okay. Well, I could book you an appointment on Monday at 5pm."

,,That would be great. I finish work on Monday at 4pm so that should work. Thank you so much, Hannah!"

,,No problem. Anyway, you know where the praxis is, right?"

,,I do. Don't worry. Then I'll see you on Monday and maybe you have time someday for a coffee."

,,That sounds great. We can stay in touch. See ya." She said and hung up.

,,Super auntie!" I said and made my victory dance. Don't ask me why, but I felt good and I was proud of myself. I was doing a good job by now or that's at least what I thought.

I decided to watch a movie and after it ended, it was time to feed Riley and that's what I did. Afterwards, I played a little with her and then put her on the couch while I started cooking dinner for me and Addison.

,,Do you wanna hear another story?" I asked Riley as I noticed she was looking at me from the sofa.

,,I have a short story for you. As I was around the age of ten, I played monopoly with my sister and I was cheating baddy. I put some money from the bank in my pocket. Anyways after the game ended, I forgot about the money and still had it in my pocket. Later that day, I went to the shop and as I paid, I gave the cashier the monopoly money! And the funniest thing was that he didn't notice. I don't know how! He even gave me money back! I felt so bad, but not my fault...."

I told Riley the story and she was giggling like she was actually understanding. If she really did, then she's a smart baby girl. Even a very smart one.

After the food was done, I put them on two plates and then made the table.

,,What do you think?" I asked Riley and pointed at the table as I was done. ,,I think it's okay. Anyways is just Addison." I said and made my way to Riley and picked her up.

She immediately started giggling and played around with her like she was an airplane. She was giggling and was looking so excited.

Suddenly, the door opened and Addison walked in.

,,Awww! You two are so freaking adorable!" She said as she saw us. I stopped playing with Riley and just held her in my arms.

,,Thanks, anyways dinner is ready." I said and she laughed in excitement while she was taking her shoes off.

Super auntie! (c.c. & s.m.)Where stories live. Discover now