The moment (chapter 62)

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“We have been friends together in sunshine and in shade.”
– Caroline Sheridan Norton

Camila POV

The next morning I woke up as a phone started ringing. I didn't know if it was minr or Shawn's, so I just reached for the one that was ringing and just answer it without looking at who was calling because I was still too tired.

,,Hello?" I answered the phone confused.

,,Who is there?" The person on the phone asked and I was so tired that I couldn't even tell if it was a man or a woman or if I was holding Shawn's phone or my phone.

,,Camila. Who are you and why the fairy did you call so early?" I asked and tried my best to not fall asleep.

,,I am Camilla...and I wanna talk with Shawn...Is he there?" The person on the phone said and I thought it was a bad joke.

,,Look, I just woke up and I'm not in the mood for jokes. Who are you?" I asked and groaned against the pillow.

,I just told you... I'm Camilla and who are you to answer my cousin's phone?"

,,This conversation is more confusing than my whole life..." I said and opened my eyes to look at Shawn to see that he was still asleep.

,,Oh wait a minute... Are you THAT Camila!?" The person on the phone asked.

,,I guess... And you are the fake Camila or what?" I asked and heard the person laugh on the other line.

,,I'm Shawn's cousin, Camilla. You must be his girlfriend, Camila."

,,This is so confusing right now... It's too early for my brain..." I said and heard the person laugh again.

,,It's actually 11am."

,,What!?" I said a little too loud and woke up Shawn and Riley.

,,Yeah... I was calling Shawn because of Aaliyah's birthday...." Camilla said. The other Camila, not me.

,,What did Addison do again....?" Shawn asked as he saw that I was on the phone and then hid his face in the pillow.

,,It's not Addison. It's your cousin." I said and he looked confused at me, but took the phone.

,,Oh morning.....I had a long night! Don't give me lessons now!.......No, bro! Not in that way! We are raising a baby! Already forgot about that!?.......Of course I didn't forget about her birthday!........You want what!?.......I can't leave Mila alone......I could ask her......Fine I will call you back later.....Bye!" Shawn said and then hung up. ,,My cousin wants us to visit Aaliyah in LA for her birthday.What do you think?’’

,,It’s a cool idea. So…you have a cousin named Camilla!?" I asked confused.

,,Yep. Why? Confusing?" He asked with a smirk.

,,Ahm.... YEAH! Why have you never told me about her?"

,,You never asked...."

,,Sometimes having no relatives alive is a good thing. Nothing gets confusing. It's super easy. "I'm Camila and this is Riley. That's the Cabello family." See! Nothing confusing." I said and even if he smiled, I saw some pain in his eyes. ,,It was meant to be a joke. Don't start with the pity." I said and he pulled me in for a hug and then started tickling me.

,,I don't have pity for you! I just have love." He said and stopped tickling me.

,,Once again you are so cute." I said and kissed his cheek.

Then I turned my attention on Riley and saw how entertained she looked by just watching me and Shawn. I bet we were looking like clowns.

,,You want a quick brunch? Cause then we need to get dressed for the wedding." I said with a smile.

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