Cool parents (chapter 106)

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“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”

*1 year later*

Camila POV

,,Nate! Don't! Give that back to mommy!" I said while I was running after Nate to get my makeup brush back.

Nate started walking around a month ago and since then he improved A LOT. He is so fast when he is running and sometimes I can't keep up with him. He still didn't say his first words, but that's okay. He was doing a lot of other things so it was okay that he still didn't say it.

,,Come on, Nate!" I said and he was laughing all the time while he was running through the house to get away from me.

,,Mommy, I can't find my shoes!" Riley shouted from upstairs.

,,A moment, princess!" I said and right then Nate fell down and started crying. ,,Oh baby...." I said as I picked him up in my arms and rocked him around to calm him down. ,,Did you hurt yourself?" I asked and he nodded while tears were falling down his cheeks. ,,Show mommy where." I said and he pointed at his little nose, so I kissed his nose multiple times until he started giggling. ,,So what are we learning from this? Don't run away from mommy next time. Got it?" I asked and he nodded, so I kissed his nose once again.

,,MOMMY!" Riley shouted from upstairs.

,,God! Someone is in a bad mood." I said and Nate giggled lightly. I walked to Riley with Nathan in my arms to see Riley and Stacy already dressed up while Riley was looking through the room for something.

Today was Addison's and Ethan's wedding and Stacy slept over at our house because I told Adi that I will help her to get dressed in the morning. Bad decision because now I had three kids to take care of and not two. Great!

Adi and Ethan had their bachelorette and bachelor party a week ago because they said that they wanted to get drunk and don't have a headache at their wedding. The night before the wedding, Adi slept at her parents’ house and Ethan at his.

,,Where are my shoes?" Riley asked me while she continued looking around.

,,Look in my and daddy's room. They are probably there." I said and Riley immediately ran out of the room to look after her shoes.

,,So are you excited?" I asked Stacy while I put Nate down.

,,Yeah... I'm normal." Stacy said in a chill tone.

,,Cool. I guess." I said and she laughed lightly.

,,Found them!" Riley shouted as she ran back in the room. ,,Where is daddy?" Riley asked while I helped her to put her new shoes on.

,,He is out with Tarzan for a walk so that he doesn't have to poop in the middle of the wedding." I said and both Stacy and Riley started laughing softly.

,,Mommy would freak out if that would happen." Stacy said.

,,Your mommy would kill me if that would happen." I said to Stacy and she giggled lightly.

,,Mommy, can we use your lip gloss?" Riley asked me.

,,Yeah sure. Come with me." I said as I picked up Nate once again and walked with the girls to my and Shawn's room.

,,You let us wear makeup?" Stacy asked a little shocked.

,,Yeah... It's just lip gloss." I said as I put Nate on our bed so I could look through all my makeup for a lip gloss that I could let the girls wear.

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