Ch. 4 Introducing the mama and some papas

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Just a little more and I'd be able to grab that last grape. Ughhh darn these short arms. Come on!! Reach!!

Grrrrrrrr grrrr uh grrr.

"Dash, isn't she adorable," gushes the black haired female to the male sitting beside her. With a pout, she ask's whinely, "can't we just pass her a grape?"

Smiling at his female's attempt to woo his decision, he responds, "yes, she's beautiful. Just like you." Following these words, the male softly purrs while rubbing his head  to her outstretched hand. "But she needs to move her body. The quicker she learns...

the easier it will be for her," finishes Lucy with a defeated pout. 

Noticing that the adults weren't going to help, the toddler pushes herself to a standing position near the basket's borders. She closes her eyes, squats, and then with a quick push from her chubby legs she gathers enough momentum to jump into the basket.

A rough hand quickly holds the little cub's torso, preventing her from stubbing her head with the basket's solid bottom.

"Woaahh hold on there Suki," says the male as he tries not to laugh. 

The tan man rubs his nose to the little cub's cheek, then passes the toddler over to his female. The female gently hugs her cub and pushes one of the grapes into Suki's mouth.

Ahhhh sweet and juicy, num num numm.

The gigantic man lowers his head and stares into identical, yet much smaller, light brown eyes. "You did well cub, but always remember to keep your eyes open before pouncing. Your eyes are vital. If you can't see, you won't know what's on the other side."

Having received a lecture from him, I squinted my eyes and gave him a coy smile. "Okay, papa."

He then laughs, while mother beams a proud smile. "This cub will be bringing in loads of males to her."

What was that mother?

A loud caw sound comes from outside. Father sneers, "I agree with Jack, it's too soon for mates."

"Tsk," mother turns to the window and yells, "Jack, stop squaking and come in! And you (mother signals to her serious male), I'm not talking about giving her away." "Humph," she crosses her arms. "You know I don't like the Iyaki tribe practice." She then sulterly walks toward her mate and places a soft hand on his cheek, "but it's not too soon to scout for potential males," she whispers.

Ehhhhhh, um, I'm still in your arms mama. And I don't agree! I don't agree!!

The door opens and a medium height, skinny, yet muscular, olive skin male enters with black wings. This male ruffles his short black hair, nods at the bear beastmen, gives a small smile toward the falbbergasted cub, and lastly nervously looks at his female.

He lowers himself onto his knees and attempts to reach out with one of his wings toward the female's shoulders. But before he could touch her, Lucy grumbles, "put your feathers away Jack." The male quickly gives a little shake and his wings morph into arms.

While he tries to appease mother. I'm in lala world because I still find it alluring each time I see one of my fathers morph into their complete animal forms and vice versa. I think mother caught onto my fascination and that's probably why she commanded him to change. I also noticed that mama likes playing it hard to pacify. Not hard to get, nope, not from her males. But to be pacified. One day I overheard one of her males mumbling to an outsider that because she's a fox beast, she's harder to please. 

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