Ch. 37 Flirting with a Tail or with a Paw

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Between papa bear and I playfully making Juan's lip twitch, I considered this as a good bonding time with the new papa. In other words, I made sure that this powerful looking beast knew not to cross over my papa Dash. Funny thing is that even papa Jack joined us by adding fuel to our proud selves, all while smirking at the tiger beasts losing patience. However, this soon stopped when mama decided to sit lovingly by Juan's side tonight instead of the head male. We got the message clear... We went too far.  

Pouting, I went back to sit between Radu and Casper. Before Radu could lean closer to my head, Casper quickly hands me a piece of cooked meat. Thanking him, he asks "how have you been since we left?" With this I smiled brightly and told him about all of my adventures by first describing the time spent with the other female cubs. "They're really nice and I love playing with them." Laughing gleefully I recall our gossip and how I almost got to know Natasha's secrets. Bruce and Cruz's ears lift up. Casper, noticing their attention, smirks and asks, "so what's Natasha like?" 

Chewing on my meal, I think about it and answer, "she and Elena are both kind, though out of the two, I think Natasha is goofier." Both Bruce and Cruz tilt their heads in confusion. Swallowing a huge piece, I continued, "I mean, she can be serious when she has to be, but she's more laid back and playful than Elena." My ears suddenly perk and I gasp. Radu and my brothers look at me in wonder. 

"Natasha said that I should watch her tonight," I beam as I stand up and look everywhere for her cinnamon hair. Clearing a throat, Bruce asks "what for?" Recalling hearing her howl today, I mutter out loud, "she was going to teach me how to seduce a male." 

This time the family all lift their ears straight up at hearing their youngest female mutter those surprising words. Jack, who was munching on some meat, started to choke midway. Brent, shaking his head from what he heard, notices Jack's dilemma and starts to pound on his back. Chris, Shawn, and Juan widen their eyes at hearing the cub's odd remark. Harry was bewildered but then glancing around, he tried to stiffe his laughter. Dash's eyes widen for a second, suck his lips into a straight line, and narrow his eyes at the Skunk beast who at this moment was massaging his own forehead. Lucy, however, first gaped at her very young cub, but then smiled gleefully at her daughter's courage and interest. Casper, who was nearby, froze for a second, then tried to get back to the present by quickly blinking his eyes. Bruce and Cruz, on the other hand, when they heard the words 'Natasha, tonight, seducing,' both sprung up on their feet and started sniffing the air to pinpoint her location.

Hearing a growl from her brothers, Suki looks toward the place where they were staring at. Suki lets out a huge smile and jumps happily. "Wow, thank you Bruce and thank you Cruz, your noses are really good," she praises.  Casper couldn't help but sputter out a laugh at his sister's ignorance and at his brothers' predicament. 

Not knowing why Casper was laughing, I shrug my shoulders and move one of my standing brothers aside, "hey, let me see, I want to see!" Now fully taking in Natasha's situation, I see her walking seductively around a campfire filled with young males. I then spot her glancing at a sitted slim looking brown haired male. As she gets nearer to him, I hear my brothers growl. "Psss stop growling, I can't hear what she's saying," I pout as I tap their arms. This time I hear papa Chris snorting, but when I glance over at him, he's coughing and covering his mouth. Hmm? Looking back at Natasha, her tail is barely touching the males shoulders and then she sways back to her campfire. When she finally arrives at her campfire and sits down, I look back at the brown haired male as he happily takes a portion of meat and heads toward her direction. 

Before I can look any further, my brothers suddenly glance at mother and ask her permission to grab a piece of meat from our campfire. Mother nods her head and gives an encouraging smile. With the permission granted, they each quickly tear a good piece of meat and walk quickly toward Natasha's campfire. So, I did hear right. They are attracted to Natasha. "Huh, this is also good," I mutter as I place a hand on my shin. This time, mama, papa Brent, and papa Chris are laughing out loud, along with my two new papas. 

Lucy speaks up, "yes, Suki, learn what you can from tonight." Dash's ear lays low and softly mumbles while growling in annoyance. The cub bear beast wiggles her tail in happiness and nods quickly at her mother. "I will mama, I'll learn and make you proud" she says as she huffs her chest. Lucy smiles gently as her fingers twitch at wanting to hug her cub, yet she internally fights herself so that her cub could look on. Trying to suppress her desire to cuddle, she glances at Radu and observes that he's also learning how the other young female beast would handle three interested males.  

As our campfire was closer to Natasha, my brothers arrived sooner than the other male. Natasha slightly widens her eyes and she speaks to her papas. When her papas move over to free some space around her, my brothers nod at Natasha's mother's head male, then at her mother, and finally at Natasha. Since Natasha is still sitting down, they sit on their knees and lift the two pieces of meat towards her. Slowly lifting her hand, she morphs her nails into claws, but she then stops when the brown headed male arrives and does the same procedures as Bruce and Cruz. Not hearing any growls from Natasha's papas, the brown headed male sits on his knees by my still kneeling brothers and lifts his piece of meat to her. Natasha smiles widely, and with what seems like practiced moves, her claws quickly swaps a piece of each meat. From afar, I hear the three males purr at Natasha and they soon choose a place to sit near her. 

Radu with a slight blushing face, grabs a piece of my cloth and takes me back to my spot in the campfire. As I sit down, mama asks "what did you learn?" I open my mouth, close it, think about it, and open my mouth again, "since I don't have a long tail like Natasha, I could use my claws as I show interest to a male." I say as I morph my little hand into paws and with a single claw I poke lightly at Radu's shoulders. Radu, for some reason looks away, but his ears are slightly tint in red. "Then, I should try to sexily walk back to my campfire and wait to see if said male is interested," I say as I try to swing my hips back and forth like Natasha. Mama puffs out a laugh and says in a light voice, "best to walk normal Suki." Frowning a little, I nod my head at the expert. "Later, if I accept their interest, I will take a piece of their offered meat," I smiled toothly at this prospect. Yummy. 

Mama shakes her head in no. "It's not accepting their interest, it's an acceptance to meet and to learn about the interested male." Mother then motions to the papas, "if the female is still a cub, her papas would also be analyzing said male." Mama then continues, "if a female already has her own family, it's her head male who would help decide if said interested male is fit to be part of their family." She pauses, "of course, the female has more power in say to this, but it's always good and safe to have a harmonized family" she adds by glancing at Juan and at papa Dash. Clearing her throat, mama comments, "of course, a way to formally be part of the female's family is through the Fire Mating Ceremony, but that's a discussion for another day." 

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