Ch. 83 So Absurd

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Walking through the forest, traces of scattered trees and tree limbs layed roughly on the ground. Looking downwards, there are traces of a bear beast's heavy paw prints and its claws... they're his.  If I were to have paid more attention, I would've also taken notice of Radu and Leo's silence. 

Arriving at my den, my mouth slightly opens up in astonishment in seeing that our door is back at its place, as if nothing has happened. Not only that, but any trace of my males and his fight seemed to have been swept away.

Radu, who was still carrying me, was about to continue walking by our door when I ever so slowly raised my trembling hand to the hard surface of our den's entrance. As if mesmerized, my fingers traced my mark of ownership. I remember that day as being one of the happiest day of my life. It was the first time Radu and I had finally had our own place. This mark was a symbol of us making our own story, our own journey, which in time included more beastmen to our little family. So when my door was slammed off by Vick, I felt as if he was trampling us, scorning our dreams.

Feeling a wet kiss to the side of my face woke me up from my trance.

"Come Suki, it's near time for you to eat," says Radu quietly as he continues walking in. 

Leo, who's still walking behind us adds in a nasal voice, "Andsh later yer medischine."

Never having heard him speak like that, I look over Radu's shoulder and giggle at seeing him holding his nose tightly with a morph paw while with his other hand is holding the bowl of herbs far away from him. 

Hearing my giggle, my ear twitches to a door creaking open from the back side of my den. In a few seconds later, another door creaks open as well. One of the footprints sounds like they're limping while the other doesn't sound at all. 

Leo, not wanting to contaminate me with the odor, stays standing far away, yet Radu sits behind me as we wait for Adan and Wyatt to come to us. 

The first to appear is my tall and broad chest Wyatt who walks in looking down with a slightly curved back. With low droopy round ears, Wyatt slowly walks forward, and since he hasn't looked up yet, he tries to sniff at my scent yet immediately ends up wrinkling his nose. Quickly bursting some air out of his nose, his hand automatically goes up to cover his nostrils, but seeming like he remembered something, he froze. As if he was possessed, he starts to sniff the horrific pungent smell of mixed herbs in, though now his entire face appears wrinkled and greenish. 

Not understanding why he would torture himself like that, I again let out a soft giggle. 

"Wyatt, come here," I say as I signal to my side.

One of Wyatt's ears perks, but then flop down as he moves his head in no.

Oh? Lifting an eyebrow, I pretended to sigh in sadness, "I guess with all these bruises I'm no longer beautiful..."

Before I could make a fake sniff, the huge bear beastmen heavily falls down on his knees (ouch) and crawls pitifully over to me while crying (dude, no!! don't ruin your image!). "You're not ugly Suki!! You are beautiful! Beautiful!!" He then tries to reach for me but pauses and then flops his hand down in shame. With tears running down from his jade green eyes, he exclaims guiltily, "It's my fault you got hurt this much!!"

Blinking my eyes in astonishment, my mind buzzes over to what Wyatt said. While his mouth closes and opens, and his eyes switch from being teary to being guilty to being depressed, my ears have long since tuned him off. Does he think it's his fault? What? Is this world so screwed up in thinking it is automatically the males fault for not protecting their female? That whatever a female does, her males would be blamed for her actions? This is absurd!

Sniff, "I see, I will sleep outside and," sniff "will understand if you wish to take my mark off.." Ooomph!

Trembling feminine hands are now covering the males lips, "do not... don't ever finish that sentence Wyatt." Lowly growls Suki as she then slowly moves her trembling hands to his cheeks. Noticing her pain, Radu helps his female out by placing his own hands under her elbows. With this Suki can now rest her elbows and concentrate on her crying male's sturdy cheeks. 

Squeezing his cheeks between her fingers and pulling the cheeks away, Suki smiles at his astonished face. "You" squeeze, "are" pulling cheeks out "my" squeeze again "male" squeeze squeeze squeeze. 

Crushing his cheeks together, Suki smiles at seeing the confusion in his eyes and at his lovely red cheeks. "Because you are my male, whatever happened, you will always be my male, you will always live with me, laugh with me, cry with me, and tell me everything that you wish to share, but you will not and should not feel guilty for a choice I personally took."

"Busshh," tries to reply Wyatt with his squished face. 

Tsk tsk, "not buts, you were placed to protect Sheila and that it is a great honor."

With a last squeez I finally let go and gently tapped his forehead, "get it in your head, that I cherish all of you and that what I do is because I wanted to.. what happens later is on me."

Feeling tired, I slowly go back to rest into Radu's purring chest. 

"If you're worried about something, let me know, but please Wyatt, don't punish yourself for something you had no control over..." Giving him a huge smile, I ordered, "come here, I miss you."

Wyatt's lips tremble, tries to stop it by biting down and crawls over to my side while ever so gently smoothes his red puffy cheeks against mine. 

With us three purring in happiness, Leo audibly sniffs at the other side of the room, "I want to hug too..."

Radu snickers behind me, "put the medicine down you slow cat."

"But I can smell it on meee," cries the curly hair male outloud in a mournful tone.    

Though he was clearly distressed, my mouth opened up to happy laughter. He's too cute!

But wait, where's Adan? I clearly heard two doors opening.


Hearing my call, a whimper comes from behind the wall. Limp foot steps are then heard heading closer to us. Soon Adan appears in front of us. He's completely bruised and disheveled. With what appears like a painful bruise on his hand, he has it lifted up to cover the left side of his face. 

Seeing the confused and worried look on my face, Adan looks down and says in a whisper, "would you still cherish me if I'm no longer handsome?"

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Question from my readers:

Q: I don't understand real good or of what happened, but why did Vick go crazy?

A: Cue the evil laughter. Yes, in a way Vick did go ahum crazy. Not wanting to give out too much spoilers, I'll try to explain as much as I can. So, if we were to go back a few chapters (ch. 34*) it was noted that Vick and Lucas lost their brother to a feral attack. In that same attack, Vick also almost lost his own life (eeek shutting up now). Being attacked so gruesomely, Vick has become unstable... excluding other factors as well. Now, that doesn't give him an excuse to go all he-man on Suki, but well, as an author I don't want her to be able to easily pick males up like they were a level 1 pokemon. So, anywho, down the road we'll see about him.. (cue evil laughter again).

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