Ch. 113 My Little One

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On top of a grassy hill looking over a river filled with full-stomached and slumbering bear beasts, sits a wavy black hair female finishing telling a part of a not so long ago story. As her voice quiets down, this female looks over at how the sun's golden orange rays touch the land foretelling that the day is going to fade.

Lying next to her left side is a waking bat beastmen, who during the day insists on wearing a black cloth around his eyes. As he stretches, a small smile appears to let others know that he's been listening to the story and fondly remembers that journey.

Unlike him, to the other side sits a grumpy wolf beastmen who once again felt like he failed his female for she indeed got pregnant on that day by what he swore he wouldn't ever let her come across with. And yet, seeing her smile, he's at peace knowing that she's healthy, alive, and happy. Though, that doesn't mean that he will easily allow it next time. As Adan thought of ways to prevent Suki from getting pregnant from that specific male, his thoughts broke off by Suki's last words to this story. 

"That day I added to our family two of your papas," gently smiles Suki as she weaves a yellow flower into her cubs thick straight black hair.

"Huff," the wolf beastmen looks away, but takes an adoring glance at her and of their youngest family member.

Turning around, an eight year old looking cub with big dark brown eyes and long black eye lashes smiles at her mama with her papa's identical mole placed on her left upper lip. "I love that story mama," says the cubs as she gives a little yawn.

Leaving a kiss on top of the head of her first born cub, Suki softly says, "wait to eat some meat first before you sleep little one."

Slowly nodding her head, the cub burrows into her mother's arms and tries to painstakingly stay awake.

A rough hand then makes its way to the little cub's hair. Gently fluffing her hair, Badrick whispers, "when you are able to stay up late at night, I could take you flying to see what the moon graces us with."

The cub smiles while rubbing her eyes, "really Papa Bat?"

Nodding, Badrick was going to reply yes when a nearby cough interrupted him. "But when you're older, little one."

Pouting, the cub nods, "okay Papa Wolf." Then thinking of a new idea, she smiles with determination, "I'll make sure to grow up faster!"

As the four laugh together, behind them the wonderful smell of cooked meat drifts over to them.

Where the smell comes from is at a campfire placed closer to the den. There stands a proud looking horse beastmen as he takes the majority of the cooked meat from a leopard beastmen. As he and the other walk toward their female, a skunk beastmen and a crocodile beastmen can be seen trailing down the hill with fresh water and fruit. On a nearby tree slowly glides downwards towards them a hawk beastmen who morphs back into his two legged self right beside the horse beastmen.

Giving a nod, Tawa gives his life long hunting partner Keokuk, the hawk beastmen, a big juicy piece of the cooked meat that their family has hunted earlier today. 

Since beastmen have a great sense of hearing, both Tawa and Keokuk silently laugh in remembrance to their female's astonished eye-bulging face when she realized that the prize was not only Tawa but also the four mark Keokuk. You see, in the Yellow Meadow Tribe when the males reach their second phase (when they have an appearance of 15 year old) they are paired. To further explain, horse beastmens are partnered with the flying beastmens to have a greater chance of hunting their prey and defending their territory. Hence, the higher chance of survival.

Wiggling her little nose, the female cub becomes alert and gets up from her mama's legs to run toward her papas.

"Papas!!" shouts the little female as she jumps around in joy around the laughing males. In one of her happy jumps, she stumbled with her own two feet and began to fall backwards.

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