Ch. 22 The First Phase

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Four days have passed since I last played with Natasha and Elena. My appetite has continued to grow so much that when mama couldn't take me to the river, it was up to papa Dash to bring me to the part of the river where most bear beastmen's love to fish. It was exhilarating to see the adult beast bears smashing their sharp teeth and claws onto their prey. On the other hand, the bear cubs were entertaining. They intensely watch the older beasts hunt their prey, but when it came down to them... well let's just say that the first few times was spent either biting at the water, at each other's feet, or just barely grabbing onto the fish's tail. Papa Dash mostly snorted at them. Though when one of the cubs did catch a prey, he would spoil my view by blocking with his huge body.

Being the fifth day, I've been feeling odd. I mean, I haven't felt much hunger compared to the previous days. Thankfully I'm no longer so starved, because I haven't been able to waddle much. It's more like lazily rolling around everywhere. Wanting to go outside, Radu tried to pick me up with his thin body and despite all his grunts and effort, he couldn't. I started to feel antsy. Casper walked by, snorted at Radu, and 'easily' picked me up. Though, I'm aware that this time his muscles budged a tad bit more than the usual. Despite finally having help, I started to cry. And then I just couldn't stop crying. My brother's anxious light blue eyes widened and he tried everything to try to calm me down but it just made me cry harder. Papa Dash quickly ran in and grabbed me from Casper's hold, but even in his strong hands, I couldn't stop crying.

"Oh dear" sighs Lucy, "it's time." I feel so uncomfortable, I'm not hungry, I'm not full, I'm just fidgety and tired and sigh, I don't know what I want! I see mother heading outside and yelling for papa Jack. I can't hear what they're talking about but I heard papa Jack letting out a shrill as he left. What's going on? It's hot now, I want to go outside, but... it's sunny. I start to cry even harder now, so much that papa Dash, still holding me, is wincing and has his ears lying flat. Mama then yells at papa Chris to bring some water. Bruce passes a huge bowl to him and papa Chris quickly runs outside with it in his arms. Mama then grabs me from papa bear and places me on her shoulder, holding me similar to when I was younger. Patting my back, mama kept murmuring soft words. Her gentle words helped to calm me down but I couldn't stop whimpering. It also didn't help that I kept seeing my tears and mucus staining mama's shoulders. Soon I was fidgeting again because I felt so sticky, sweaty, and hot. Papa Chris then came in panting with the bowl half filled with water. Mama orders my brothers to find some thin cloths while she walks back with me to her room. Gently placing me on top of our bedding, I see papa Chris walking in with the bowl and places it near mama's side. Cruz was the first of my brothers to come in with the cloths, followed by the rest of my brothers and Radu. Mama, noticing them, shoos them out of the room and only her worried eyes and papa Dash's pacing feet can be seen. Mama takes my cloths off and pats my body with one of the thin scraps that papa Dash has shredded and dunked in the water. Sigh, it feels cooler. I'm now silently crying and starting to hiccup.

A knock was heard. Papa Dash quickly opens the door and stands aside to let Healer Liam come in. His brown headed apprentice tries to come in after him, but papa Dash immediately bears his teeth at him. "Lucy, can you cover Suki up so that Charles can come in?" asks Liam while crouching near me. Lucy nods, grabs a nearby cloth and places it on top of me. I whine because it's getting hot again. Trying to squirm it off, Lucy firmly holds it on and whispers, "only for a little while my cub". I stopped fidgeting but still whimpered. While Charles cautiously steps inside with his head tilted down, I felt grandpa Liam kindly place another wet cloth on top of my forehead. "Charles, I need you to stop looking at the ground and pay attention." Charles gulps, looks at the huge dirty blond hair male before bravely standing near his teacher and finally looking at the female cub. "Now, I need you to place your hand lightly on her face," commands Healer Liam. Charles, this time looks at the adult female for permission. Lucy bites her lips but eventually nods at him. Charles crouches, and slowly places his young hand on the little cubs sweating face. "Do you feel how hot she is?" asks the elder male. Charles closes his eyes, places his other hand on his own forehead, and after retrieving his hands, he nods. "That means, this little cub has a fever," pauses, "noting her fast weight gain, sweat, cries, and age, she's going through her First Phase." The elder gets up and opens his bag, "this phase is an important part of a female's life, because it's crucial to whether she lives or not...". With Charles and papa Dash looking over his shoulder, he explains the two medications that he's making. "This one," points Liam to one of the smash up herbs, "is to be placed on her forehead and chest". "And this one is for Suki to drink every 6 hours." He passes the two medications to Lucy, and she immediately places the herbs on her cubs body. Healer Liam then turns to a serious looking Dash, "make sure she's constantly drinking water and continue with the cold cloths". Papa Dash and mama give their thanks.

Eventually I fell asleep, and this continued off and on for the next three days. Finally, I woke up feeling refreshed and hungry.

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