Ch. 104 Tears of Love, I'm Not Leaving

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Screams, howls, growls, pain. Someone is screaming no, another is yelling for war. A voice pleads from the vacant darkness.

It's cold. Whimpering, I search for warmth in this darkness. Is there anyone? Can anyone hear me? Wait, there's a warm body. I can sense you, whoever you are, please, please share with me your warmth. Please..., such a familiar melancholic word.

Oh, my nose suddenly feels warm.

Scrunching my nose at the left over wet sensation, I lift a heavy paw to clean it off. Huh? I can now touch my nose... and the voices are gone. Slowly opening one of my eyes to the dark room I come to acknowledge that in this place there are hints of light much unlike the dreams I relived over and over again. My nightmare, though finished in the land of dreams, is now replaced by real life. Life, ha, lives...

Letting out a big yawn, I scrub my teary eyes while morphing into my naked fragile self. Letting out a shudder, one of my males purrs as he closes the distance between us with his leopard beast body.  In front of me, my other male Adan reaches out and kisses my forehead while waiting patiently for my hands to raise up so that he can help with placing the cloths on me.

As I dress, my eyes droop as I again remember Wyatt. He would've been the one to have woken up beside me. Instead of Leo, I first would have felt his fur.


Shaking my head from my dark thoughts and coming back to the present, my eyes widen in realization that I'm now fully dressed and am standing up. When did that happen?

Sigh, yes, I can't fall into the pit of sadness and despair. It really is a black grayish colored hole that can and has become strangely addictive, so much that letting go can feel so heavenly. For me, hibernating has been a gift in the process of having airs of relief from this hollow pain. However, I also believe that I've been battling my grief and pain during my sleep. If that's even possible.

Glancing around as I'm being led to the outside, I first sense the fresh cold air blowing through my hair. Feeling a heavy set of fur cloth placed around my shoulders, I then look up to notice Adan's small smile and twinkling steel blue eyes. Oh? Is he up to something? Getting a closer look at him, I then become aware that there's an additional mark on his face. He did it, my Adan did it! He's now a three marked male. Smiling back at him, he then shows a wide grin and happily swings his bushy tail back and forth as he tries not to jump on his toes to the place where they're leading me.

Behind us, I listen to Leo scurrying around while carrying some of our heavy furs. He then sneakily closes by and gives a quick peck on the cheek as he happily trots upwards. Goofball. Now, really, what are they up to? Seeing his exciting cubbish hops brings a spark of joy to my eyes.  

Though this joy was short lived when nature suddenly invaded my senses. Shivering and feeling slight tingles of pain, I looked down to see that my bare feet has been touching the snow this whole entire time. I'm not fully dressed!! Pouting, I looked up to see a relief looking Adan, who then gave a peck to my other cheek and held me bridal style as we went up the hill. Why that face though? And was this a joke?

Finally up on the hill, the first image to greet us is of Radu and Leo hurriedly placing the furs on the snowy ground. Behind them, or say underneath them appears a gorgeous view of our den and further out is the river of bears. Meanwhile, Vick stands aside cooking smoked meat.

How did I not smell this? Scent them?

My stomach chose this special moment to grumble outloud to which Radu and Leo finally stand up and greet with large happy smiles. They then hurriedly pulled Adan to arrive at the area. As Adan walks by with me in his arms, Vick with his stoic face greets me with curious yet worried black colored eyes.

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