Ch. 68 They're Moving In!

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Staring at the stars, I wonder if this place is similar to Earth. I mean, we have oxygen, water, living beings, and a person like Sheila can easily breathe here. It's liveable. So is it possible that we live with similar orbiting planets? By chance could it be that this is a planet where Earth always had their fantasy ideals in which extraterrestrials could exist? Or maybe this is exactly the world based on the fictional books my past self has read about. Then again, maybe someone from this place was able to return to Earth and made this place appear fictional.

A pale hand brushes the side of my hair as another pair of sun tan hands coming from behind me massages my stomach. Behind the three of us lays a curled light brown wolf beast who's taking tonight as his turn to become our cushion.

"What's on your mind Suki?" asks the ever observant Radu.

Not wanting to get into a philosophical conversation, I instead mutter what's on all of our minds, "tomorrow Sheila and another male will be living with us. And I wonder about what our life will be like."

"You mean, how much it'll change?" asks the purple-eye male.

Humming, I kept my face staring upwards at the sky and began searching for a glimpse of a falling star. Would it be possible to wish on one and have it granted?

My thoughts flew away as my body was slightly moved to Leo's soft laughter heard behind me. In a confident voice, he mutters into my ear, "we'll still be the same toward you Suki." Purring he adds as he hugs me further into him, "we'll always find ways to be with you, to protect and to make you happy."

Radu has long stopped brushing my hair and is now crawling on top of me. Taking my hand, he leaves a lingering kiss and with hot mischievous eyes comments, "to make you moan in happiness be it like this." He gets closer and straddles me, "or with this," he lowers a blueberry to my lips.

Seeing that I haven't opened my mouth, Leo begins to lick and softly bites the side of my neck as Radu sits comfortably on top of my hips. Letting out a moan, I watch Radu lick his pale slender finger that was holding the fruit. Through his tongue, he maneuvers the fruit into his mouth and closes the distance between our faces. With a soft growl, he touches my lips with his own and with his tongue tries to open them.

Not wanting them to win so easily, I sassily show them a smirk and squirm away. But Radu and Leo, noticing my game, became more earnest in their sensual play. So much so that the night became filled with the sounds of our heavy breathing.


A blonde delicate slightly trembling female stands before the open door. Beside her stand two tall buff males. The tallest has deep battle scars shown around his neck and what seems like newer ones on his back. On his serious stone-like face two lines are reaching toward his left black color eye while on his right eye there is only one similar line shown. Between his thick eyebrows a small wrinkle appears as he smells the various scents. As he looks down to greet the habitants of the den, his dark beard places a shadow on his chest. All in all, this male emits complete dominance.

As for the other male, though his body is not as buff as Vick, nor is his beard as thick as Vick, nor does he have three marks like Vick, his face however shows a smile. Yes, he's able to smile, to scowl, to cry, to whatever. Anyway, with calm jade green eyes, Wyatt brazingly stares lovingly at the female he desires to keep on courting.

Said female is me. Who is standing underneath my door with a gaping mouth. Beside me stands Radu who's trying to control his twitching tail and near him is Leo who's trying to keep his tail from going in between his legs. The only calm one of my males is Adan who nods at the two buff males and pulls my hand gently to a place in the den where we can all talk.

Such a place is found in the middle of our den. Yes, with this whole week's time to prepare, my males have been busy widening our place and adding an additional two rooms. One of which is big enough for a full grown male bear beast to hibernate in.

As I sit on the furs, Radu grabs two sets of bowls filled with various fruits. He first passes me a bowl and lastly with his head down passes a bowl to the tight lip Sheila. Now that we're all sitting down, I clear my throat. "We prepared a room for Sheila and a male, but which one of you males is to live with us?"

Sheila who was about to speak was interrupted by Vick's low voice, "I and Wyatt were chosen by our Tribe Clan Leaders to protect the Unique One."

Said Unique One was now nibbling on her lower lip with a barely quivering eyebrow. Watching her rapidly reddening face, she exclaims with a huff and angry eyes, "my name is Sheila! S-H-E-I-L-A, Sheila!, not Unique One, not female, but Sheila, okay!" Breathing in she lets out a rush of air. Blinking her eyes at her recent yelling, she shakes her head and tries to smile at Vick without actually looking at him and comments in a squeaky voice towards me, "we'll be living here, but uh can you show me to the bathroom, uh forest?"

Nodding, I notice her trembling hands and help her up as we slowly walk to my door, then quickly outside my den. Behind us follows Leo and Wyatt. As we step into the forest Leo walks further to the left while Wyatt decides to walk further to the right. Giving us some alone time, Sheila finally inwardly curls her shoulders and stutters, "he's, he's too scary."

With a smile, aware of who she meant, I ask, "which one?"

Placing a hand on her forehead she mutters, "well both are huge... but Vick reminds me of an engaged soldier who at any minute would strangle me if I so much as peep the wrong thing."

I hum, "so in other words, he makes you anxious?"

Fastly nodding her head, she mutters, "not just that" and then asks curiously, "aren't you afraid of him?"

To her question, I smirk and laugh, "definitely no!"

Watching my face filled with happiness, she gives me a deadpan stare filled with an unbelief expression.

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