Ch. 58 Boo

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"Yeah, so I was hoping I could live with you."

~~~~~ A couple hours earlier~~~~~

"Suki, let me carry her?"


"Then.. let him carry her."

After giving Radu my stink eye, I continued on going down to the closest river.

Midway I started huffing in anger. For one thing, my leg and foot are still covered in my own urine and another is that I'm continuously breathing in her vanilla scent mixed with armpit smell. I can't believe I'm having to carry this girl! Though, I prefer that I'd be the one to carry her than allow for her skin to touch my males.

Mistaking my huffing for puffing, a deep voice behind us commands, "she's heavy, I can carry her."

Growling, I shout, "I said NO! She came to my den! So, I will carry her back there!" I said pointing with my lips to the glistening water.

Leo, being the most innocent of my males, comments as he scratches with his free hand to his head, "you gonna wash her?"

Giving him a deadpan stare, I decided to continue walking instead of responding to that unlikely scenario.

Adan, who has morphs back into his male forms, exclaims with dry herbs on his face and body, "don't think so, but I am!"


Now that we're nearer, Adan rapidly skips around us as he then dashes to the river. Doggy paddling to the deeper end, we can all see how behind him the goo of the herbs mixes into the water. The few bear beasts that were in that area scrunched up their noses and hurriedly swam to a far away place. Welp, there goes his medicine. Now, how will I apply the herbs back home? Thinking about tonight, my lips turn up into a creepy grin. From far off, Adan shudders but shrugs as he thinks that maybe it's because the river feels cold.

Walking to the river, my body steps to a place where the cool water is now touching my hips. Yeap, this is the spot. Holding the girl's limp body in the air, bridal style, my teeth are fully shown as I internally laugh at what I'm about to do. As if the girl felt my intentions, her voice lets out a groan but too late! With a slight (cough) push her body was thrown to the air to land just a tad bit further away into the river. Hearing the loud splash I couldn't help but to let out a full blown laugh. Waiting for her head to rise, I then calmly took the lavender in my right hand and started to clean my hands, arms, and body of her scent. And yes, of my urine...

Hearing her sputters and hollers. The girl is now full on frowning while trying to swim with jeans on. Yeah, those lower cloths are jeans. Ever try swimming in them? They're difficult. While I was washing, Vick gave me a peculiar stare as he passed by. Humph, don't blame me for finding this method as being the easiest to wake her up.

Vick, who is heading into the deeper end where the girl is seen trying to doggy paddle, lifts her by the back of her blouse and drags her to the border. There, Leo is skinning the rabbit he hunted earlier and Radu is preparing a small campfire.

"Heyyy, don't grab the back of my blouse!" screams the blond headed girl as she battles in keeping her top on. Hearing a tearing sound, she later shrieks in despair, "it's gonna rip!" Vick tilts his head at not understanding her words. Not knowing if he was hurting her, he stops walking yet her feet are still dangling underneath the water. Finally the girl decides to stop hugging onto her blouse and instead has placed a firm grip on his arm. Shouting she encourages him to keep on walking, "go, go, go!" Vick nods his head at her and begins his walk to the shore.

Mmmm she'd make a pretty good ape beast, though I'm wondering why she didn't simply ask him to carry her. Trying not to smirk at the indignant shivering form, I confidently walk back to them. Though I stop as my ear twitches to the sound of splashes made behind me. Feeling the water ripple near my own feet, Adan breathely says behind my ear, "I smell better now, right?"

Smiling, I turn around to nod my head but seeing his still slightly bruised and puffed up face, I desperately try to keep my lips up. Giving him a light kiss on the nose I ordered, "yes, but Adan can you go back to our den and bring me a top and bottom cloth?"

Adan knowingly smiles back. Despite smelling clean, his once handsome face still looks horrendous in front of his female. Internally, he angrily curses the bear beast who repeatedly aimed at his face yesterday. He did it on purpose! Clearing his throat, Adan flirtily asks, "which one would you like?"

Suki looks back at the now sitting petite female, she humms, "one of my old ones." Adan nods as he pecks me on the nose. Yet, before he could run back to our den, I quickly add, "no morphing." We wouldn't want her screaming again.

Finally reaching the shore, the girl's jade green eyes zero in on me in curiosity and wonder. "You, didn't you turn into a bear?" Shaking her head in no she mumbles, "no, I sound crazy, ahhh wake up Sheila..." Her mutters continue till she sees a pair of olive feet placed in front of her.

Crouching down, Suki gives the confused blonde girl an angelic smile, "Sheila, that's your name right?" Sheila widens her eyes in surprise. "You muttered your name," Suki replies. "But how, how did you hear me from over there!" exclaims the girl as she signals to the rivers shore.

Now smirking, I add, "because what you saw before you fainted is real. I did morph into a bear. But." Feeling a lecture coming out, I continue in a passive voice, "here it's formally called bear beast. Those huge animals you saw are beasts. Those that aren't beasts are called animals. They're our prey and..."

"WAIT!" Screams Sheila with a palm in the air. "Let me get this straight, you're saying I'm not dreaming?"

To this I nod my head, feeling my lips widen, I ask, "would you like for me to prove it?"

Sheila innocently nods her head. Hum, looks like she momentarily forgot about the freezing water or she's in denial. Perrrfect. "But promise me you won't scream," I quickly added.

The girl's nods her head but then her eyes widen at my last sentence, "wha.. waiitt."

Hehehehe too late, with this I quickly took my cloths off and laid them on a flat rock. Not wanting another pair of ripped cloths, I didn't mind taking them off in front of her. Looking down I saw a peculiar sight. She had a fierce blush on her flustered face, but before she could speak, my bones began to make creaking noises. As fast as I could, I morph into my gorgeous black bear beast form.

Still smiling, my sharp teeth are now perfectly on display in front of the now pale girl. You asked for it. Now, should I growl at her? Hmm maybe I shouldn't. Wouldn't want to carry her again so neeeeeehh. Sigh, if only papa Jack saw me now. He'd be thrilled about this devious prank.

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