Ch. 95 That's a Fail

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In the last chapter Suki's males were at first comparing the gorgeousness of their tails (I prefer soft furry tails but yeh), to how adorable their future cubs would look (all would be rather cute, heck search for images of newborn bears and they are adorable!), to ending with how Suki would have looked like if she was born in her beast form (if she was then this story may have turned a tad bit different don't ya say?).

And now we're at the...

"Suki!" hollers Natasha as she sprints toward my direction followed at her side by a giddy Elena.

As the three females hugged and rubbed their cheek to cheek, the males who stood a few distance behind them quickly gave the other party a nod of recognition. However, only one of these groups of males had a very small number of them naughtily shoveling and biting each other (and others*) in playfulness.

"This winter isn't going to be harsh since Sheila showed us how to save our food," responds Elena to Suki's and Natasha's questioning of how this winter will be for her given that she now has cubs.

"A, yes, the thing she calls fridge," says Natasha as she scratches her chin.

"Speaking of Sheila, are we now going to her... what did she call it? Eating? No, uh..,"

"Well, we are going to be eating there, that's why each group invited brought a prey. No? But I don't think that's what she calls it," adds Elena thoughtfully.

"Wedding," coughs Suki lowly into her hand.

Both females tilt their head to the side, "wed-ding" repeats Elena as she tries to remember this odd name.

"Wedding! Yes! She called it a wedding and that there will be dancing and food!" giggles happily Natasha as she bounces excitedly on her feet. She then adds, "we've only had the bonfires to eat as a group, but now this new thing sounds like fun!"

Slightly smiling, Suki adds, "it's not a thing, I believe it's an event where two peo-- cough - beastmens will show others how much they'll love and cherish each other through a vow - uh - agreement to stay together through the hardest days."

"Don't we do that anyway?" asks Natasha as she tilts her head.

Oh gosh... "mmm yeah, but I think this is something special from where Sheila came from." Aha!! "And I think this wedding is more serious in that the female can't just leave her male behind just because she doesn't like him anymore.. Well without just cause, and vice versa..." mutters Suki the last words while hoping that her friends won't ask her about what the last two words meant.

"Huh, that's odd. I mean, in our tribe a male will have to leave the family if he has done something truly bad to their female and family... but I guess other tribes may not think the same?" wonders Elena as she has heard stories of other tribes' viciousness but never saw them personally.

"Humm so that gives the male an almost equal power of respect to their female," whistles Natasha out loud as she tries to think how that will fit in their tribe.

"Anyway, that makes me even more curious to go, let's go, let's go!" gushes Elena as she tries to push both of us forward toward where Sheila told us to go.

As the three females laughed and decided to walk toward their destination they were soon stopped by a loud cry, "mama, mama, mama! Wait for us!" cried three voices in sync.

Turning around they only saw a wall of Elena's males smiling innocently at them. Some even attempted to whistle. I say attempted, because since they failed they looked as if they were spitting at the sky.

Suki's males who knew what those males were hiding, were attentively observing to see how these frustrated males would try to get out of their predicament. If it worked for them, maybe they could do the same. If it didn't, then they would know what not to do if their cubs ever acted like those three.

Elena, who was once grinning, froze her smile and asked in a kind soft voice, "oh, what could my family be hiding, hummm?" Her golden eyes then stared into the eyes of each of her standing males, though all indefinitely attempted to look elsewhere. "Hmmm, I see, no one will answer, but oh," she gasps, "what's this!"

Hearing her fake gasp, some of her males began to gulp and nodge each other. In a presumably cute voice that she would usually use before reprimanding Natasha and I when we got out of hand, she then voiced out, "where could my cubs be at and... where is my dear Bronco? Tsk, tsk, he said that he would always make me the first in everything, but oh the pain! He's not here!" dramatically wails Elena as she poses one of her hands on top of her forehead in fake dismay.

Not even a second went by when a boisterous voice screamed behind the wall of nervous and shame-faced males, "I'm here my gorgeous Elena!" Right afterwards some oomphs and yowls were heard as he heavily pushed his family males to the side.

Dropping to his knees, he began to lift his hands towards her but froze when he saw that they were muddy. Quickly hiding his hands underneath him while frantically giving the other males a glare to keep standing in position he went back to wailing. "Elene,Elena! I will always protect you and keep you first! You are my everything, you are what keeps me alive, and I, and I, I..."

"Ladies and gents that is how you say a heartfelt, or maybe, heart wrenching vow," I mutter underneath my breath while watching the cowering yet shameless male howling his love out loud. At my side Natasha is given a piece of the meat that she brought to the wedding but her family decided that this would actually be a good time to munch on it while watching the entertainment. Feeling my own saliva increasing, quietly one of my own males passed me a piece of our own offered meat as well.

After a few more shows of Bronco beating his chest, Elena finally had enough. "Move!" she growls with her golden eyes slinting at her head male's attempt to distract her. Knowing he couldn't stop her, Bronco lowered his head to the ground and kneeled to the side. Seeing the head male's submission, the rest of the males that were once standing in a line, began to kneel to the side as well.

Behind them laid in mounds the furs that Elena's group brought for her and the cubs to sit on. However, underneath the furs, slight movement can be detected.

Gasping in shock at where her cubs could be hidden, Elena quickly walks to her prized furs and shoves them away to finally see three heads looking up at her wrongfully.

"BRONCO!!!!" loudly growls Elena in anger as twitches to seeing the state of her cubs for they were buried till their necks on the ground.

"I'M SORRRY, I'M SOOO SORRYRYYY!" wails Bronco as the other males also wail their anguish, "It was his idea! We are sorry, but he told us that it was fine! We're sorrrrry!"

Back to Suki's males all were thinking that 'it was a fail.' And to survive a female's anger, snitching on the perpetrator would be the best choice.

As for Natasha's males, they just smiled in happiness at seeing their female laughing mockingly at the poor beastmens. 

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