Ch. 14 The Cubs Play Time Part 3

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"What do you suggest we play?" asks the young redhead teen.

The diablitos looked at each other, then at their sister, and smiled back at the group of male cubs. "How about we play the fire (mutter) ceremony."

Suki and the younger cubs tilt their heads in bafflement. What's that?  Unlike them, the older cubs looked at the triplets with big eyes. The red head angrily steps up and declares, "I don't want your sister!" To his reaction, Suki expresses a disgusted look, well I don't like you either!

Casper grins, "that's why this is a play." Bruce tauntingly adds, "unless you're too cowardly to play this game with us." The red head unconsciously raises his fur. "I, Bronco, am no coward!" He hollers and signals to the triplets, "we will play!" "Yeah!" growls the rest of the young teen cubs. What all you males are missing is the clapping and you'd make some fine penguins...

"Good," smirks Cruz, "now you two" he looks toward the older cubs, "come with me to find some dry wood." They reluctantly nod at the other teens order. Cruz then passes Suki over to his brother Casper, morphs into his beast and runs toward the trees. The two reluctant males morph into young bear beasts and follow him. Meanwhile, Bruce morphs into his beasts and starts shoveling the snow elsewhere. 

A small blond headed cub and the other younger cubs step toward Casper, they all then lower their head to him. The first cub slowly looks up, gives Suki a shy glance, and asks the older male, "what is the fire ceremony?". 

Casper, not missing the glance toward his sister, decides to be merciful to the younger cub, "you haven't witnessed it yet, but the ceremony is done once a year." He continues, "it's basically building a campfire near each female so that males would know that she's looking for new family members." 

"Wow, that's it?" asks the small cub. "This game sounds boring," adds another small cub.

Casper laughs, "believe me, it won't." Bruce, overhearing the conversation, walks back in his two legged male form, "if a male is interested in becoming part of that female's family, her partners would take up the challenge." "In other words, her partners would be fighting said male for his right to become her mate," gently smiles Casper. Then adds, "in this game, we'll be our sister's guardians." 

The group of small eight year old looking cubs show a horror stricken expression, "you, you, mean we'll be fighting?" Bronco immediately jumps over to the group, "not fighting, we'll be play fighting!" he cheerfully yells. The blond small cub looks toward the two older males, "but, but, we're weaker than you," he shamefully admits.  Casper scratches the back of his head, "hmmm, let's see" he mutters, "oh I got it!" 

He then looks at the younger cubs, "you males will form three groups, each group will play fight with one of us," pauses, "annnddd you can attack us first anndd we'll only be in our male forms." 

"How's that," says Bruce with a lifted eyebrow. 

The group of small cubs look at each other, seeing that though they'll be separated into three groups, they'll still be bigger in numbers. Another more calculative, black colored hair with two white pronounced stripes on his head, asks, "but what would we gain if we win?" 

"You'll be able to speak with Suki," Bronco easily answers. Both brothers and sister stare at Bronco in the 'who ask you' expression. Before Casper or Bruce could say anything, the younger cubs cheered loudly. 

One of the older male cubs steps up and asks, "would we be fighting one on one with you?" 

"Definitely," both leopard brothers give him a toothy smile. 

"Good, I hope we'll have the same prize," says the young male with a smirk. 

"Yes, they will!" hollers Bronco. Ohhh let me at him, let me at him! (ง'̀-'́)ง The little female cub is seen squirming with her fist in the air toward the red headed boy. Unfortunately for her, she's still strongly held by Casper. The brothers growl and mutter lowly, "sure...". Bruce then adds in a menacing stare, "but we'll be fighting you older cubs in our beasts." 

--- small time skip ---

Scene changes to a small female sitting beside a small campfire. Standing near her sides are two light brown hair fifteen-year-old looking males. Some few feet away stands a similar male but with brownish blond hair and light blue eyes. And in front of this male is a group of four eight-year-old looking males.

In the village near this scene there are females, their mates, and others looking on with an air of expectancy at the soon to be fight. 

"They look so adorable," gushes a female.

"I'm so proud of my cubs," squirms a blond-haired female. "Even if they get beat up," she squeals. 

"This is going to be embarrassing," a male mutters while snacking on some meat. 

Don't humiliate us, thinks Dash. 

Oh this is just delightful, grins Jack. 

My babies are growing  up so quickly, inwardly cries Lucy. 

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