Ch. 31 Scouting for Potential Males

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Needless to say, Radu opted for the more difficult of the two choices. His reasoning was that he was worried that a family with too many males may bring too much drama. In a way he's completely right (-_-), and I also can't see myself juggling so many possibly needy males. So we're now searching for potentially strong males (congrats to nathy200219 for guessing Radu's real thoughts on it).

Right now we're accompanied by one of Nancy's males, and no it's not grandpa Liam, he left the den early this morning. Unlike dear gramps, this male doesn't talk much and he hasn't introduced himself, so I decided to mentally call him Grumpy.

"We're heading to the river of bears to look for who again?" I ask Radu once more.

He sighs, "Leader Axel has two male cubs of about 16 years old. Lucas was the first of his cubs that we got to see when all tribesmen were called."

"Oh, the one that looks identical to Axel," I interrupt. Remembering his heroic appearance on that day, I couldn't help but mutter "he's definitely a looker."

Radu squeezes my hand.

Cough, "what I mean to say is that those heroic looking males would usually be trying to conquer every female they see," I explain with a scowl.

Radu smiles and nods, "and that's why we're going to search for his brother, Vick."

After trotting for a short while, we soon arrive at the river where all bear beastmen love to go. However, instead of walking immediately to the water, Radu made us hide behind a tree. Behind us was Grumpy who judgingly stared at us, rolled his eyes and headed to sit near the river.

"Which is Vick?" I whisper.

Radu adorably squints his eyes while he hugely beams and signals with his finger, "that one."

Following the place where he signaled, my face pales when I see a rather frightening black bear. Though I could tell that this bear was a young beastmen, he already had some gruesome scars shown around his neck. And he was looking murderous at the water.

"You, you, you talking about the one papa Dash warned me not to mess with?" I gulp.

"Ye'p" pops Radu with a smile.

"Why?" I whisper whine.

"You said you wanted a safe family right?" I nod my head, "and if you look closely you'd be able to see that despite Lucas being sixteen, Vick already has a mark."

I gulp and start to feel queasy, "that means he's 21 years of age now." "How am I supposed to catch his eye, in a good way, while I'm still eight!" I whisper yell.

"Well, if he becomes interested, I assure you that he will respect you and treat you correctly till the age you'll have your.."

I quickly slam my hand over Radu's mouth, "yes, yes, we know, no need to repeat that," I sigh.

This feels so wrong, so very wrong. But I have to remember that I'm no longer in my past life. This new life involves sacrifices. I stir myself, puff my chest out and start to quickly walk out from behind the tree before Radu or my knees could stop me.

Imitating my papa's confident steps, I walk toward the frightening black bear.

Once there, my heart starts to beat fast, gulping down some saliva, I knowingly feel scared. My knees want to tremble, but I'm fighting to hold on. Clearing my throat, I signal to him with what I assume is a strong pose and squeaky yell, "Vick, I want you!"

Behind the tree, Radu's shoulders are bouncing while his hands are press strongly against his mouth.

It took one second for me to want to mentally slap my own forehead and have a pretty deep desire to want to drill under the ground. I freaking quoted pokemon! Pokemon! Soo embarrassing, and it was in front of the rest of the bear clan!

While the female cub's face is clearing reddening, the bears beasts that were nearby had either quickly dove into the water or attempted to hide their extremely near laughing outburst by looking away. This however, did not include Nancy's male. He was happily guffawing on the river's rocky shore.

Vick looks at me amused, snorts, and morphs back into his man form. Kneeling in a way that won't show anything, he sarcastically says with a smirk in his deep black color eyes, "nice effort little cub, but your trembling finger fails you." He then morphs back and goes into the river to fish.

I slowly blink, my finger is trembling? I glance at my still pointing finger and indeed it's trembling. Finally my knees couldn't take it anymore and slammed right onto the ground. I wanna cry to my mama!

Thankfully, someone quickly grabs me, while grunting, and takes me away from this place.

Sob, sob, "Radu this was so humiliating! And Grumpy over there doesn't help either!" I yell with puffy eyes at the culprit.

"Well we can't do anything about Grumpy," he pauses, "except to let Nancy know that he laughed at your first attempt to woo a male," says Radu with an innocent smile.

After the elder male has choked on his spit, he went back to having a grouchy face.

Still sobbing, Radu sighs and lets me down. He then goes to pat my head while giving me a warm hug, "you actually did good Suki, you were a whole lot braver than the other female cubs."

I stopped crying and started hiccuping, "really?" With snot going down my nose, I had to confirm that I heard right, "I am?"

Radu gently smiles, yawns, and says, "yes, really, you could ask them tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I tilt my head.

He yawns again and this time I could tell that he was surprisingly sleepy. "Are you okay Radu?"

The male cub nods his head, "yeah, but let's walk to Nancy's place"

Nodding my head, we entwined our hands and Radu explains, "I think tomorrow I'll be going through my second phase."

My eyes bug out, "so quickly!"

Radu sarcastically laughs, "jeez Suki, I've been training fiercely with your brothers and" he pauses "while you sleep, I've been going solo hunting."

With ears leaning back and I quietly mutter, "sorry Radu, I was just, it's just I for some reason always imagine us to be the same size."

He merrily laughs, "I'll still be me." He then lovingly pecks my cheek, "I'll just be bigger and be able to protect you better," he then quietly grumbles, "you were a bit heavy back there...yow!"

"I heard that!" I yell yet smile gleefully at him. That's my Radu, always looking for ways to make me smile.

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