Ch. 79 Oh Yummy or Run Dumby!!

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Sniff, sniff, "ugh, I wish there were tissues invented here." Sniff. "That way I can save my nose from this.." complains the girl as she gives out another sneeze followed by a cough. 

An old soft animal cloth was handed over to the red snot nose and watery eyes Sheila.

"Why didn't you tell me you were cold?" nags Suki again as she listens to Sheila blowing her nose on the cloth. Hearing the amount of green goey snot being blown into the cloth, Suki scowls as she thinks, euwww, she in no way is washing that.  

Sniff, "achooo!" "Ugh, how could I?" Placing the now dirty piece of cloth in a basket with the other hagard pieces of dirty cloths, Sheila further responds, "I felt like I was their enemy, or something similar in that den.. didn't you notice that they wouldn't stop staring?" Seeing that I was about to speak, Sheila places a hand up and quickly adds after another cough, "and they'd probably react badly if I said I wanted to leave, because (sniff) if I leave, you'd probably leave to, and well that's like a big no no for that girl who gave birth to puppies?" Sniff, sniff, "hahaha, she had puppies! Bahahahha!... Achooo! Cough, cough, cough.."

"Pssss Suki, do you think the fever is eating the spongy meat inside her head?" whispers Leo to me with large innocent grey eyes. 

Beside him Radu mutters under his breath while keeping an eye out for Vick's movement, "I hope not or else we'd be exciled for her death but if she survives, she'd be..."

Adan, who's on my other side scratches the back of his head and says outloud, "I've never heard of a fever eating one's head."

They must be talking about her brain. I wish we had those bags of herbs from my last life. I distinctly remember that they didn't taste so good but definitely help when I had a cold. 

"He's here," Vick says as his nose twitches to the door.

We all look toward the door while Sheila keeps sniffing and blowing her nose onto another cloth. 

An tan foot with some age spots seen on top of the wrinkly skin, step into Sheila's room follow by another similar foot and a pair of much younger feet. With his wise slightly cloudy dark grey eyes he first looks around the room, at the mess of dirty cloths, observes the sick female and then glances at me. 

Instead of the formal greetings, he just nods his head once and stoops down to feel Sheila's forehead. He then sniffs at her. "You're definitely having a fever, and with those bursts of sneezes and coughs, Suki shouldn't even be in here," grumbles Healer Liam as he gives the huge black bear beastmen a disappointing look. 

I was about to open my mouth to let gramps know that it was my decision, but before I could, he then gave Radu a smile. Huh?

"Sheila needs a clean room where fresh air can enter, so those cloths shouldn't stay dirty for long." Picking up the basket filled with said cloths, elder Liam righteously gives the basket to a perplex Radu.

"Braa," cough, "male, I've observe that you are good on your feet and are good at cleaning. Though Sheila is a guest, she is very important to our tribe. So, you will have the honor to clean what the Unique One is using."

Behind grandpa Liam, Sheila is snickering behind her hand and mutters, "I like him."

Ignoring her snickering, grandpa Liam pats Radu's shoulders, "go now young male."

Blinking his eyes in astonishment, slowly a small scowl forms on his lips, and before leaving the room he gives a last squinty eye look at the still snickering woman who eventually ended up having a coughing fit.

Clapping his hands of the invisible dirt, grandpa Liam then looks toward his pupil. "Charles, I need you to bring me honey and..." After listing the herbs to his pupil, he then looks at me and says in his usual nagging voice, "as for you Suki, you're prohibited from entering this room till the Unique One is better."

With my ears lowered I courteously nod my head and start to leave the room with Leo, Adan, and Wyatt walking behind me.  

"Not you Vick, you're her guardian, so you're staying here." 

A low growl can be heard behind us to which grandpa Liam stood to his full height and ordered, "you were chosen to be the Unique Ones guardian for a reason." Aftering bravely staring at the tall bear beastmen's darkening eyes for a while, we then hear the wise elder add in a much calmer and reasonable tone of voice, "but if you can't stay inside then trade places with Wyatt."

Wyatt, hearing his name, gives Suki a kiss on her head and goes back inside the room. 

Seeing him move, my males and I quickly walk out of my den for an angry Vick is likely to bulldoze his way out. Finally outside, I just remembered something important.

"Waiitt, my door!"

Slam! Crack! ... ugh too late. Vick is still very verryy sexy and definitely strong. Indeed the perfect male to protect any family..., but my dooorr!

Cracking my neck side to side I began to angrily walk to the still steaming Vick. Adan and Leo, noticing my rising anger tried to stop me by grabbing onto my arm, but I just stared at them and gave them a warning growl to which they eventually let go. Yet they kept an acceptable distance in case this could turn ugly.

Pulling up to my full height and with erect ears, I stood defiantly in front of him and placed both of my hands on top of my hips. Yes, that's the standard mama pose when someone is going to have their ears mightily pulled!

Along with this pose, I let my teeth enlongate as well as letting my claws out, to let him know that I wasn't going to submit. Staring into his irritated black eyes, I began, "I gave you permission to live with us. I did not, however, give you permission to wreck my den! Don't ever let that," I pointed with one of my enlongated claws to my now cracked door, "ever happen again!" Ending with a deep low growl, I stared into his barely astonished black eyes morphing rapidly into the eyes of his angry beast side. 

Enlongating his own and much larger canine teeth, Vick deeply growls back as he stands over me, "just because you are a female does not give you the right to growl at my face."

With his face shadowing his upper body and feeling the heat of his muscles being so close to my blushing face, my mind raced into two different paths. One was yuummmmyyy, he's so devine!!!! Ugh his huffing and sweaty chest is such a perfect image. Another was, run awayyy stupid Suki!!! Yet a more prevailing part of my mind was, that male did not just growl back at me!!!

So, I did what I know best. I snorted at his face and with one claw I slowly rose it up to his neck filled with past battle scars, "and you, of an exceedingly testosterone colossal stoic yet frustratingly lack of anger management male, do not have a choice but to show respect my den, my family, and myself." With glowing eyes, my excitement at being able to defy such an alpha male accidently broke a little of the first layer of Vick's tan skin.

Holy $*%^!!! 

Remember the other part of my brain telling me to run. Well dumb-dumb, it's time to scram it like I've never done before!!!!!!!

In less than a second I quickly step away, twirl into the air and as I dash to the closest river, I begin to morph into my very but very frightened bear beast. Plleassseeee may the Bear Clan Leader be there!!! Waahhhhh!!!!!

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