Ch. 65 Sheila Teaches About La Planta

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After waving goodbye to Elena and the still laughing Natasha, I chose a rock to meditate on while waiting for Sheila to arrive. 

~~ ten minutes later...

Where the hell is she! Puffing up my cheeks I let out a long burst of air while my feet restlessly move from one spot to another. I'm definitely not good at waiting and no one is around anymore. Staring at the river, I start to wonder if I should just go ahead for another swim, but nooo don't wanna. Swam once today, not gonna swim again!  Mmm maybe I should fish? 

Slowly walking into the water, my eyes slint to search for any ripples made by my dear ole preys. Seeing movement, my nails morph into claws. As I was about to pierce it, my ears caught onto someone gasping. 

Turning toward the noise, I now see the very late blondie puffing for air as she limps toward me. Seeing that my feet are still in the river, she stops before the river and lowers her basket filled with long, wide plants and lemons?

Slightly tilting my head I grumble out loud, "you're late." Yet having seen her basket, I curiously walk toward her. 

Gasping, she answers, "I'm sorry for being late Suki! But look at what I found!" The thin fragile girl then shows me her basket excitedly.


Happily she shakes her head in no. "Nope, guess again!" Sheila exclaims as she dances animatedly.

If I didn't know any better, I would've thought she had to pee... like really bad. 

"I'm not good at a guessing game..." Sniffing at the air, my nose wrinkles at the nearby pungent sweaty smell, "instead you're looking kind of dirty, want me to help you into the river?"

Her smile immediately drops, "no!" Cough, cough, "I mean, thank you Suki for your kind help." Her eyes looks to her left as she continues, "but um anyway this" looking back at me with a goofy smile, "is what we can use to wash our hair and body!" Lifting the basket up to my face, she continues, "tadaaaaa I saw the aloe vera and couldn't help myself!"

"Aloe vera?" I ask as I cross my arms. The name sounds familiar.

Placing the basket back down, Sheila grins, "yes! Aloe vera is not only good for hydrating the skin, and helping out with burns, but it could also be used as a shampoo and a body wash!"

Ignoring the words that we don't use in this world, I went ahead and ask, "oh? Can you show me?"

Hurriedly Sheila grabs her basket and places it near a lifted round stone. She then tries to look around for something, but not seeing anything she glances at my long claws. 

 Scratching the tip of her nose she laughs nervously, "um Suki can you cut this (signaling to the green plant) from this side and do the same to the other side?"

Nodding my head, I walk toward her and crouch down to take a look at the solid round plant. Looks like a leaf. Taking one of them in my hands, I slowly use my claw to cut one end to the other end of the plant. 

"Now what?"

Sheila moves closer to me and tries to lift one of the open ends. Not being able to, she begins to unconsciously twist her lips in concentration. 

Letting out a snort, my hand easily lifts the side she was trying. Glancing back at her I saw that her eyes were getting bigger and bigger. Shrugging, I kept on taking off the top part of the leaf and immediately wrinkled my nose when I noticed that it had a sticky substance. 

Lifting my lip I was about to growl in disgust when the girl squealed in excitement and grabbed the slimy plant for herself. What the heck! 

Bewildered, I was about to lecture her but stop when she took out the lemons from the smooth basket and her fingers pushed the slimy substance into the bowl. Seeing that it wasn't enough, the blond girl looks back at me with pleading jade green eyes while holding up another of those slimy plants to me. 

"No uh, not until you tell me what you're doing." I answer stubbornly as I cross my arms and look elsewhere. 

Hearing a sigh, she answers with a smile, "fine, watch and be amazed."

~~~ 15 minutes later.

"Woah, this is actually really good for washing your hair." Humming happily my hair was back to drying under the sun, it now smelled and felt a whole lot better. 

"Yes, just keep adding the aloe vera to your hair and for your body add a mixture of the same with lemon juice, " reminds Sheila as she sunbathes nearby. 

( Note: please read the comment & take precaution if you do try this at home).

"Besides the aloe vera are there other things that can be used for your hair?"

She hummms, "well to wash out the dirt I'm not sure but I've heard that mango's makes the hair appear softer."

"Really? How do you know these things?"

The girl smiles in melancholy, "my older sister is into natural beauty products and on some weekends we would make our own home spa time."

Trying not to cry, she adds in a soft laughter, "too bad there's no brown sugar, coffee grind, and olive oil here or we'll be smoothing it on our bodies today."

I lift an eyebrow at her. From my past memories those ingredientes sound like a cooking recipe. Gruffly I answer, "I do not want to be some animals food."

Snorting she gets up to a sitting position, "no, silly, those three are mixed together and placed on your skin. After a couple of minutes you'll wash it off and your skin will feel very soft. It'll also smell great."

Huffing with a perplexed expression, I stubbornly shake my head in no. "If you ever do find them one day, I'll pass... animals aren't the only ones attracted to sweet smells."

To this the girl laugh's out loud.

Watching that she was laughing despite being sad not so long ago I couldn't help but ask in curiosity, "your home sounds very different from here.... what if you couldn't find your home again?"

To this her laughter dies down, and she wraps her thin arms around her legs, "I don't know. I hope there's a way that I can go back home. But from what I've seen so far I'm not sure that's possible anymore."

Glancing back at me with teary eyes, she continues in a small smile, "my parents always taught me to smile despite feeling down, because a smile would help me to keep on moving." A couple of tears go down, "but Suki, keeping my smile up is hard now. I miss them. I miss my sister. I miss my comfortable bed. My clothes. Tasty, easy to buy or cook food... my world." Sniffing with barely a smile on, she continues as she stares at the river, "but to honor them, I will keep on trying to find happiness here and hope that with that maybe one day, one day, I'll get to see them again." Laughing as if her words were a light joke, she adds, "who knows...".

When she finished, I slowly got up and walked toward the bushes. Hearing the sniffles behind me, my eyes kept on searching for the sweet juicy fruit that us females love so much. Finally spotting some, I grab them and walk back to her. 

Awkwardly patting her head with one of my hands, Sheila looks up at me with slightly red eyes. Her eyes widen when she sees the small round fruits placed in front of her. 

Moving the small fruits to her hand, she nods in thank you and starts to slowly savor the blueberries. 

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