Ch. 20 Wash Day Part 2

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Mother caught a few more fishes after throwing me the first one. Little by little we soon had a pile of fish. Yet, instead of cooking our prey, like we've done to the meat, mama showed me how to carefully eat our fish as is. Well this is novel, tastes odd but still good. Once I tried to take a huge bite out of the fish, like I've seen my brothers do to their prey, but mama quickly snatched it away, leaving me fiercely biting the air. She then proceed to lectured me about their bones. "Though our males could crunch through any bone, us females have a more delicate stomach," warns Lucy to her now full daughter. Honestly, Lucy doesn't like to eat much of this type of prey, but knowing that the bear clan loves to eat fish, she hopes that this will help keep her cub full till she passes through her first phase. 

After Lucy and Suki washed their hands and face at the river from the residue of their prey, Lucy began with teaching her daughter about their personal female tasks. Bringing the large basket over, Lucy began to take out two of their cloths, the smaller cloth that obviously belongs to her cub, was handed over to Suki. The little female's nose slightly twitched when her mama also took out a bit of a purple herb that smelled fresh and floral. 

Considering her cub's interest, Lucy said, "this purple herb is called lavender, previously named by the Beast's last Unique Female." "Unique female?" asks Suki.  The dark-hair female smiles dreamily, "yes, from what's been passed throughout the years, this female appears similar to us but has clearer skin, higher intellect, and has produced very strong cubs. She is a leader and a role-model to us females," sighs and later exclaims "and she's also one of the reasons why the Clear Lake Tribe has done so well." Suki tilts her head. Instead of explaining, Lucy grabs her cloth, soaks it in the river, and on a wide rock, Lucy spreads the lavender herb on the cloth. Lucy then morphs her hands into paws and starts to roughly press the herbs to her cloth while soaking it every now and then. For a final step, Lucy washes her cloth fully in the river. Giving a large smile to her cub, "this is one of the gifts the Unique Female has shown us." Suki ooohs at the wonderful floral aroma on her mama's soaken cloth. Both mother and daughter then proceed to wash the cloths. Of course Suki's washing wasn't as great as her mother's but it was the joyful intent that made Lucy feel proud of her cub. 

After taking off their cloths to wash as well, Lucy stood up to place them to dry with the others on the tree branches. "Now it's our turn" beams a naked Lucy. Mama you are blinding your daughter! Lucy then grabs the last remaining herb, and lifts her cub to her chest. Walking toward the other females, Lucy heads over to where the water is a tad bit deeper but not higher than her waist. "Suki, I want you to try swimming," pauses, "like Mallory is doing," Lucy points at the honey blond half-female swimming happily in the deeper water. The little female cub glances at the other female, looks down at the cold water, and frighteningly nods. "I won't let you drown my little cub," says Lucy tenderly while slowly going down. Seeing that her cub is still afraid, Lucy then decides to hold the herbs in her mouth. With both hands she pushes her trembling cub away from her but still has a strong hold on her little hands. This, this is so cold! I want up, I want up! pouts Suki with teary eyes. Glancing at her mama, she notices a serious look upon her face. Okay, okay I'll try. I just gotta keep my head up and move my legs right? The half-beast bear cub sloppily moves her short legs while trying not to gulp water. After about three minutes, the cub starts kicking smoothly while the older female slowly moves around the water. Seeing that her daughter is now able to keep her head afloat, Lucy removes her hands but keeps one hand underneath her cubs body. "Good, now move your arms," glancing around, Lucy then points, "like Elena." Suki looks over to see a golden-eye female teen blissfully swimming around another adult female. Imitating the beautiful female cub, Suki seriously begins to move her hands. In a few minutes, Suki is tiringly, but at the same time gleefully, swimming without help.   

Seeing her exhausted cub, Lucy gently lifts her cub to her chest. Taking half of the herbs, Lucy softly scrunches them onto her cubs skin. "This is how we females wash." Suki nods happily, takes some of the herb, and attempts to softly wash her mothers shoulders. Lucy lets out a happy purr. "The Unique One said that this is how we females can keep smelling fresh." 

"How do you know so much mama?" asks Suki. "The Bear Clan Leader makes sure that our Tribe Healer is responsible for carrying out the Unique One's instructions to us females," responds her mother. "Grandpa Liam?" Lucy laugh's at her cub's surprised eyes, "yes, he takes care of us females when we're sick and he makes sure that we hold onto the Clear Lake Tribe traditions." Pausing, she adds in thought, "as for the rules, it is up to the Bear Clan Leader to impose them." 

Washing her cub's skin from the herbs, Lucy adds, "remember this Suki, our females are different from the females of other tribes because we keep the teachings of the Unique One." Pauses, "hold your air little cub." Lucy dunks both of them in the water. Coming back up for air, Lucy slowly walks back to the river banks. Finding a smooth grassy area, Lucy lays down with her cub. "We females are to love our males and treat them as they should be treated. With affection. But we by no means should let them completely rule our family," says Lucy with a gentle glance at her cub. "Isn't that normal mama?" asks Suki. With a tilted smile, Lucy responds "one day you'll meet up with other tribes and sadly you'll see what I mean." Before Suki could ask more, Lucy closes her eyes and naps freely underneath the warm sun.  

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