Ch. 12 The Cubs Play Time Part 1

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After being examined by the nervous young male, mama handed me over to my brothers to play in a nearby open field, while the adults headed elsewhere (or so I thought).

------ change of scenery ------ 

In the village there are many adult beastmen walking and interacting with each other.  In front of one of the market stalls there is a slender black hair female accompanied by a tan tall muscular dirty blond hair male and a shorter olive skin thin black hair male. Behind the same stall there is a brown hair male observing the female in front of him.  It was obvious that this male was wondering if the female was interested in buying his merchandise.

"Lucy, look this shell necklace would look beautiful on you," Jack signals to a shiny pink shell. 

"Aha, yeah, beautiful," responds the female distractedly.

Without taking his eyes off the shiny object, Jack further stretches his fingers to it while the vendor's lips begin to give a brighter smile. 

"Wait," commands Dash. 

Jack stops reaching, blinks, and then looks at the head male. The head male meanwhile is looking in the direction that Lucy is staring at. Jack, with his hand still in the air, turns his head to look where the both are staring. 

"The cubs!" yells Jack with his arms now at his side. The vender is now trying to hold onto his smile.

"Shhhhh Jack, you can't let them know," whispers the female. "This will be Suki's first time around so many males," she gushes. Jack wanted to slap his own forehead, while Dash disapprovingly let out a low growl. The vendor's lips are now twitching. 

"Lucy, didn't we agree she's too young," he annoyingly states.

"Oh hush, hush, of course she's too young. This is just an introduction... a, a, um," the female places her hand on her cheek. "A time where she can work on her.. skills. flirting skills," "Cough!" "Communicating skills!" She beams at her head male.

"Aha," says Dash with his muscular arms crossed in front of him while giving his female a raised eyebrow. 

The vendor already lost his smile and is looking bored. This male wishes he could drive these three away but knows that the already frustrated muscular male would probably pound him into nothingness. 

Jack, seeing that the shiny may not be bought, quickly adds, "she's with the diablitos, you know those three won't let any other males near." Lucy holds Jack's hands and nods fervently at Dash, "true, that's true." She then finally looks at the stall and adds, "you have such good eyes Jack, that necklace would look great on me!" The vendor sent a mental thank you to the skies and gave all three a huge smile. 

------ change of scenery ---- 

"Let's play over there," signals Casper at the spot without much snow. Casper and Bruce morph into their beasts, run toward that spot and start digging the snow around the area. When the grass could finally be seen, Cruz walks out to the middle and sits down cross legged while placing me on his lap. 

"What should we play Suki?" 

"Tag!" I immediately shout with my hands in the air. I then tried to swiftly get off his lap, "but no cheating!" I signal at the two beasts. They snorted and morphed back into teen males. 

"So, who's it?" asks Bruce. 

The little cub then waddles over to the still sitting Cruz, places her little fingers on his feet and yells, "you're it!" She then quickly waddles away while laughing. Cruz stands up slowly and heartily growls, "you're on!"

 As the little cub gets a little further away, Cruz nods at his brothers in the silent agreement that they should always keep her near. Cruz then slowly walks toward the little cub's back like a predator, "I'm going to get youu" he sings. 

Oh no, my stubbly legs won't let me go faster. The little toddler screams. Bruce leaps toward his sister, grabs her, and swiftly turns to the side. In two seconds, Cruz lands at the spot where the little cub was screaming. "Almost got you," he playfully growls. Bruce and Suki laugh as Bruce keeps on running. Bruce pretends to trip and softly throws Suki to Casper. "Got you Suki!" he grins. I feel like I'm riding a roller coaster! 

Cruz takes this chance and immediately pounces harshly on Bruce. Quickly getting off of him, he yells, "Bruce's it!". 

Unknown to them, another group of several male cubs are looking at them. "I wanna play too," whines one of them. 

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