Ch. 94 Who's The Best

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Small white particles fell to the once green lushed land. On this early morning, beasts can be found roaming in the forest for last minute games, some fishing, a few re-making adjustments to their dens, and others making some last visits to their loved ones.

Outside a certain den placed on top of a hill that looks down on the river of bears stands two figures observing the sight of what they have lived through many times before, yet hope that this time will be better.

"Winter," mutters Suki as she stands with a brown fur cloth covering her shoulders. Behind her, warming up her back with his broad uncovered chest, is her bear beast male Wyatt.

'No fair that females are more delicate to certain things than males,' pouts Suki as she leans into his purring chest.

Seeing her pout, the male leans his head down to her shoulder and worriedly asks, "soon we'll be hibernating... is there something you wish to do?"

Smiling, Suki nods, "I wish to head to the village, maybe there we'll be able to see the others."

Rubbing his cheek to the side of her face, Wyatt softly lets out a purr, "as your head male, I suggest for you to ride Radu." Cuddled in his arms, his female hums in agreement, "yes, his bushy cute tail can definitely keep me warm."

Behind them someone coughs out loud, "I agree with being bushy, but my tail is in no way cute."

"Mmm if not cute, then adorable?" asks Suki as she and Wyatt turn around to see the unimpressed skunk beastmen.

"Mmmm what about big or powerful?" responds Radu as he huffs his chest out and stands with his black and white tail puffing out behind him.

Unfortunately for him, he soon got shoved to the side by a much tanner male who proudly stood in his place.

"If you're looking for cute, my tail is definitely long and adorable," says Leo as he happily twitches his feline tail back and forth while clasping his hands together in front of his chest. For a finishing touch, his leopard ears moved back as he tried to give his female his large pouty eye look that previously has helped him get his way before.

Suki, whose hands began to twitch with desire to pet his head, was interrupted when Leo suddenly howled in pain.

Behind him stood Radu with a gentle smile, "oh dear, are you calling this worm like tail cute... pff." Leo, who finally got his hurt tail back was about to attack Radu when a huge wolf beast who was watching at the side decided to forcefully walk between them.

With his huge wagging tail, he ended up smacking both Radu and Leo on their heads. Noticing that his opponents were now quiet and on their behinds, Adan morphs into his other form. Shyly, he blushes as he brings his shaggy light brown tail to his front. "My tail is strong, furry, and..." Feeling an aha moment, he then winks with his good eye and stands proudly in front of Suki, "sexy."

Both Leo and Radu who are now dusting off their behind, simultaneously roll their eyes.

"What's sexy?" mutters Leo in disdain.

Still standing without a loin cloth, Adan turns toward Leo who gives him a deadpan stare. Gruffly responding, Adan huffs out, "my tail of course, Suki said so."

"When?" asks a now presumably interested Radu as he tosses the butt naked wolf beastmen a cloth.

Internally, Suki who was at first wanting to laugh at the cute display of her males, secondly going ga-ga at the last one, is now wanting to slap and massage her forehead.

Now with a cloth covering his ahum, Adan's face flushes as he thinks back on it, "when, you know, we were together, alone, and she whispered to me how sexy I look, including my tail."

"Reallly," purrs Radu, with mischievous eyes he then goes for the kill, "well Suki said the same to me when #$# and #$^^^ and ^-^."

Leo, not wanting to be left out, eagerly nods his head, "yes, yes, same!"

The once proudly standing wolf beastmen is now stone stiff at hearing how he was no longer 'special'.

Suki, who sighed out in annoyance, was about to try to remedy her now disheartened male, when Wyatt spoke up. "My uh tail is mm short, round, and mm soft. Nowhere near the fluffiness, longness, or strength of the others. But I believe that the beauty of my face and the muscles of my chest makes up for what I lack... how, uh, Adan's eye color stands out in our family.." Awkwardly, he adds, "imagine cubs with those eyes in our family."

Thank you Wyatt!!!

Smiling brightly and cheerfully, I immediately agreed, "yes, they'd be extremely cute!"

Adan who was once brooding is now happily wagging his tail at imagining their own cubs and how his female loves his eye color.

"Well, my cubs will have my splendid long cute tails, she won't be able to stop playing with them!" yells Leo as he tries to compete with whose cubs will be cuter.

Radu lets out a cough and scratches his nose bashfully, "well skunk beast cubs are known to be quite fluffy and adorable."

Pffff, here we go again.

Vick, who was listening from far away, couldn't help but walk toward them without any of them noticing, except for Wyatt who silently nodded at him.

"Bear cubs are bigger, and as they grow, they keep their roundness.. Good for hugs and warmth... so I've heard," says Vick coldly as he observes their reaction.

However, much to his regret, a few seconds of awkward silence followed after some of them sprung to the side in either surprise or fear. Yet when they saw that Vick's face started to scowl, Leo, Radu, Adan, Wyatt, and Suki enthusiastically nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yes, bear cubs are the best," strain yells Leo while nodding like a chicken.

"Bear cubs are adorably fat," agrees Adan as he seriously nods his head in thought.

"Yes, our beast cubs have been strong since birth," Wyatt proudly agrees.

"Could you imagine how Suki would look as a bear cub," gushes Radu.

To the last comment, all began a discussion about how Suki would've looked if she was born in her beast form.

As time passed, Suki boredly began to cry internally as to why this topic was so interesting to them!

---- -- ---

Authors Note:


Ye'p this is a sort of filler chapter, but I hope this little chapter brought a smile to some of ya'll.

Out of curiosity, what do you think of her males' personality? 

And ta daaa we have a head male! But for how long? Buahahahahha 


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