Ch. 75 Game of Catch Me If You Dare?!?

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"Oh #$%@" whisper screams a slightly soaken Sheila as she tries not to look by blocking her view with her now forcefully clean hands, yet leaves a tad bit of space in-between her fingers. 

Beside her stands a stiff Suki whose sucking on her bottom lip. Trying  to distract herself she gently keeps applying some herbs to her knees. Oh #$%@ is indeed correct thinks Suki as she wonders why they're here. 

Next to them is a messy haired cinnamon wavy hair female who's cheering for her friend to keep on pushing. Though this female's happiness and excitement is clearly seen and heard, she's also slightly wincing as one of her hands keeps massaging her back. 

--- Rewind ---

"Ahhh she's in labor!" yells a horrified short dirty female. 

"I, no, he broke her water?" gasps the cleaner and much taller female as her eyes widen in horror. 

Smack, a black and white hair male standing next to the tall female slaps his own face as he groans outloud. 

Behind them the tall female males are either twitching in worry or slightly jumping on their toes in anticipation, except for a tall muscular bear beastmen who despite this unexpected event has kept himself calm. 

Vick glances at the panther female's males as one with red hair shouts instructions at the others. The red headed male then delicately carries the female to their den after making sure that at least one of the males went to fetch for their tribe healer. Internally nodding, Vick praises that usually loud male's ability to think clearly this time. However he soon snaps out of his thoughts as another female runs toward them and grabs a hold of Suki's hand.

"Suki, come on!" yells Natasha excitedly as she keeps on pulling a still stiff Suki.

"Huh?... Why?"

Natasha blows a strand of her cinnamon hair out of the way of her face, "remember that we were invited to watch?"

Gulping, Suki looks over at a horrified Sheila. "Uh yes, but I can't leave her alone," signals Suki at the much shorter female. 

Natasha looks over at the dirty female and groans, "then let's do this!" With a quick step around Suki, the half-female pounces over to a surprised Sheila and quickly carries her over her shoulder as she leaps toward the nearest body of water. 

"Let go of me woman!" shouts an angry upside down Sheila as she grunts at every leap the wolf female does along the way. 

"Ahhhhh, nooo wait! Natashaaa!" worridly yells Suki as she also starts to run after the much faster female. 

Behind these three females are their males running calmly behind them, with the exception of one that is now annoyed. 

"Never a dull moment huh little sister," happily yells Bruce. "We should do this more often," agrees Casper as he trots beside his siblings. 

"We are not playing!" huffs Suki as she tries to stop Natasha from reaching the lake.

"But it feels like we are" gleefully shouts Leo at this game of catching the leading female. 

Buahahahha evilly laughs Natasha as she spots the glistening water of the lake. 

"Ahhhhhhh I think I'm gonna vomit!" groans Sheila at every twist and turn her captor did to evade Suki. 

Tsk, "don't you dare" growls Natasha in warning.

"Oh yes, please do pug!" yells a smirking Radu.

"Shut it you stunk'o!" screams back the upside down and green face girl.

"Natasha, if you don't stop, I'll forcefully make you stop!" warns Suki at her dear mischevious friend.

"Oh no you don't!" giggles the female, "Cruz, Bruce, you know what to do!"

They both nod and went from a calm trost to a faster running speed. Cruz runs to the right and widens the space a little bit between his sister and himself, "I'm coming!" sing Cruz as he stares with his predatory eyes at his now grown sister.

Suki gasp, "oh hell no!" "Adan, you know what to do! Radu, don't think about trying it!"

Radu pouts as Adan and Leo attempt to chase away their female's brothers. 

Natasha yells in glee as the lake is now closer than ever. 

"Now!" yells Bruce. 

"Um Vick, should we help?" asks Wyatt in worry as he keeps trotting behind them. Vick grunts, "no, we might handicape them." To his statement Wyatt nods his head in understandment. They might not be quick, but their hits are powerful, even more so are Vick's. 

Noticing that the bear beastmen weren't going to participate, Cruze nods his head, does a somersault over Adan and with one of his feet pushes Adan's back toward the ground. Adan growls out in annoyance and using his fast reflex grabs a hold of Cruz's tail as they both hit the ground hard. Yowling Cruz had to let himself be caught or have his poor tail be cut off. 

Bruce shakes his head at his brother's predicament and side steps Leo's goofy smile who was trying to stop him with his outstretch arms. With a back kick Leo was sent flying into the nearby bushes. Unfortunately for Bruce, Radu stepped into Leo's place, morph into his skunk beast, and held his fluffy tail coquetishly toward Bruce's face. Paling, Bruce halted and shouts to his head female, "you're up Natasha!"

Laughing merrily, Natasha slightly turns around to give him an air kiss. 

Rolling her eyes, Suki growls at a warning while Sheila starts to make audible vomit like sounds. 

Shrieking Natasha speeds up and tells the upside down girl to hold it in.

Not caring for her warning, Suki's eyes began to glow and from there she takes in an additional push that left the bear beastmen behind her surprised. She can run faster? wonders in appreciation Wyatt. 

Suki then let's out a deep warning growl which made Natasha yelp as her hair stood on end. Thankfully for her though, the lake was now extremely close. Close enough to throw the dizzy female forward. 

Aware of Natasha's plans, Suki lunges toward her friend's feet while hoping not to hurt her too much.

Feeling the incoming attack, Natasha barely jumps up, but Suki, having seen this movement before, grabs Natasha's feet from the air and swings her to the side while hurriedly getting up to snatch the dizzy girl out of her friend's gasp. 

Unfortunately for the three. Suki ended up slightly skinning her knees and one of her elbows in the process. Natasha ended up with bruised ankles and slightly painful back. And Sheila, well she ended up gasping and spurting from being swung like a basketball into the lake. 

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