Ch. 8 Karma

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A little wiggle here and there and I'm out. Yes! This time I slept curled up in one of papa bear's paws. On the other side of the room papa Jack is sleeping sprawled out. 

Yesterday, when my brothers and Papa Chris came home with their preys, mama was ecstatic. She immediately ordered one of her males to make a fire and another to prepare the food. Papa Jack voluntarily went to oversee the cubs' injuries. I think he o may be our family's healer. As for Papa Bear, he gave them a huge proud smile, patted Papa Chris's shoulder, and went to help out with gutting the prey. Needless to say mama and Chris slept in their own room. I didn't hear nada. Papa's paw and his furry body helped to stifle any noise..cough, moving on!

Since my brothers passed their hunting trial, it means they're ready for training. I want to get stronger too. Wrapping my fingers around papa's paw, I used my arm and leg muscles to push myself up. Nice, step one succeeded.  Making sure my body was balanced, I started taking small steps toward my left while holding onto papa. Okay, step two done. I've now got my body ready for the next step. Looking up I looked over the rest of papa's beast form. 

Dannnggg he's big! Well okay, no problem, there's more to lean on. I can do it. This is my training, I Got this! Keeping my head up, shoulder's straight, I slowly but surely began to take small steps, all the while tightly holding onto his fur. Nice, I passed the arm, now time to distance myself from him. With a little push, I stretched both arms in the air, and began to step carefully.

Unbeknown to the little cub, she is seen taking her first steps by two pairs of eyes. One of them is a pair of half opened brown eyes gleaming with mirth. The other belongs to darker brown eyes curiously looking at the cub's progress. Besides their alertness to her progress they also noticed that the little cub's self motivated speech, that was supposedly internal, was actually said out loud in her toddler pronunciation.  

I got so hyped up in seeing that I'm more than a quarter in that I didn't realize that one of my legs ended up kicking my other foot. "Oh noooo!" Before my face could touch the ground, a rough hand quickly took hold of me. Papa was no longer in his beast form. Holding me up to his face, he grins and kisses my head. "You did well cub, I'm proud that you're doing your own training." Tilting my head,I asked myself, how he'd know? Jack, though shorter, stands besides Papa Bear, smiles, and says, "Suki, you tend to speak out loud sometimes."

I do?

Papa Bear lowers me to his chest, gives a grizzly purr, "from now on little one, I'll help you out with your training." Aww that's sweet papa . He then looks at Jack and says with a smirk, "get the diablitos up, it's time that we train them to get their stripes." The short black haired man evily grins, "oh we males would be delighted." 

Cruz, Bruce, Casper, your victims are coming for you!! 

In another room not too far from them, three cubs can be seen shivering and crying in their sleep. 

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