Ch. 97 Close Your Mouth Hissy Cat

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Fatigue and a growing sense of drowsiness were now forcing my male and I to find a comfortable spot to hibernate. Since my room was by far the largest, we both sleepily walked over and began taking off our cloth to finally morph from our two legged form into our furry four legged beast.

As I cuddled into Wyatt's warm furry side, my other males entered the room to say their goodbyes. Leo, being the most childish, pushed Adan and Radu aside and tearfully gave my neck a strong hug while licking the side of my face. Sleepily, my mouth slightly opens as I give him a short lick back and softly push him away.. The need to sleep is making me see things with a blur.

Noticing my discomfort, Adan picks up the teary eye Leo by the back of his neck and hands him over to a peeved Radu. Carefully Adan then goes down on his knees and places his cheek against mine and whispers, "have wonderful dreams Suki... we'll be waiting for you when the wind stops howling." Letting him know he was heard, I forced myself to give him a small grunt.

Kissing the tip of my nose, Adan then gets up to let Radu sit in front of me. The purple-eyed male gives me a forlorn smile, then tenderly lifts his pale finger to my round ears. Petting them, he leans over to mutter, "I always miss your laughs during winter... (sigh) dream of me Suki for I will dream of us."

By this time I could only lean my head to his side. I heard you Radu and I hope that when I open my eyes again I'll see you, Adan, Leo, and Wyatt healthy... andd Vickk...

Three pairs of feet silently walk out of their female's room. Radu being the last, slowly closes the door while giving the sleeping bear beasts a last look for the night.Turning around, he heads over to where Adan and Leo are sitting down cross legged.

"She and Wyatt are deeply asleep now," confirms Radu as he sits beside them.

"Yes, but the other bear beastmen is still missing from his den," mutters Leo as his ears twitch back and forth. Flicking his agitated tail, he continues "all bear beastmen choose about the same time to hibernate... it's strange."

Radu nods his head and closes his eyes while attempting to listen attentively to their surroundings. Though he doesn't approve of how Vick took to treating their female, he has to admit that it is odd to not have the guardian around at a time where Suki would be at her most disadvantage. Vick, Suki's guardian, warrior, alpha, supposedly strong sense of duty to the tribe, and son of the current Bear Clan Leader. Yes, it's odd. "I don't like it."

Back to opening his eyes, he looks at the other males to see if they might have an idea. However, Leo is no longer sitting at their side but standing nervously at the closed door.

How did I not sense him? Feeling an annoying twitch to his eyebrow, Radu internally insults the intruder, stupid tetra marked male.

Hearing a long sigh to his left, Adan gets up, roughly shakes his shoulder length hair and walks exasperated to the door. "Stand aside, he would not come here for nothing."

Leo, not like being commanded by a male of the same level, raises his shackles but a quick nod from my direction stops him from taking a sharp step toward the growling wolf beastmen. Letting out his own hiss, Leo grumpily walks toward our female's door and attempts to look calm despite his sharp claws elongating out of his fingers.

Taking a deep silent breath, Adan opens the door to a shadowy hulking male with glowing dark eyes. Observing the other male with his good steel blue eye, Adan then steps to the side after recognizing that this alpha male was still rational.

Heavy steps walk into their den. So, now you decide to make noise... show off.

As Vick passes Suki's door, he slightly pauses to give Leo a side eye to which the leopard beastmen attempts to control his hackles but indefinitely ends up looking elsewhere. Yet the curly headed male did not move from his spot.

Snorting what appears to be an approval, Vick continues to the middle of our den and turns around to face us.

"After this message I'll go into hibernation... what I'm about to say was shared with the rest of the tribe tonight..." I'm not liking this at all... what are they hiding?

"There is a chance that our tribe might be attacked this winter."

Low growls immediately came from us.

"Why tell us now!" hisses Leo as he walks toward Vick with glowing grey eyes filled with frustration and tinges of fear.

"Yes, why now! We could have prepared better!" I whisper shout to the alpha male who looks stoically at our anger. His no facial expression made me even more frustrated in wanting to at least be able to give him a good punch or two.  

Near the doorway, I hear Adan grunting "why was I not told!" as he touches his bad eye in bitterness. Sigh, being part of the wolf clan, Adan had every right to hear this information. Especially given that he shares blood with the current Wolf Clan Leader.

In a deeper voice, Vick finally answers, "because the enemy might be watching and we need to let them think that we are unaware... by having the Unique Ones wedding earlier today, it further confirmed to them that we would not expect them".

With a deeper growl, he then raises his shackles, lowers his head while elongating his own teeth and gives us all a cold direct look, "I expect each of you warriors to remember your training.. Remember our strategy.. We cannot let our tribe down, we cannot let Suki down."

Bringing back to topic our female's well being, we finally bitterly consent to their choice of hiding this unexpected news. 

Noticing our consent, the towering bear beastmen then asks uncomfortably "so, which of you volunteers to wake me up?"

Hearing his question, Adan and I immediately step away, thus leaving a shocked Leo standing in front of Vick with his mouth hanging wide open.

--- - ---- - ---- - ----

Author's Note:

Thank you everyone for keeping up with my book!!

Sorry that it has taken me a while to finally upload a chapter. My imaginative and energy to writing juices have definitely decreased. Not to worry though!! I still have planned out in my head what is going to happen (buahaha) but it's the part of actually writing everything down that makes me turn into a puddle. Or slime, or a duh looking zombie staring into the screen.

Besides this news, I kind of want to venture out into making another book. Would yall like to hear about it?? If so, let me know, and I'll write it down in the next Author's Note, heheheh.

Chapter Written: October 19, 2021 at 9:50 PM. Reread on October 20, 2022

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