Ch. 34 Knowing About a Past

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As we were stepping out of the den, grandpa Liam stopped and gave us some joyful news. They're coming back! My mama, papas, and the triplets are finally coming back today!  

Aware of my cloths, Radu hurriedly morphed into his beast and took me toward the female's bathing area. Though, at the beginning Radu was afraid of my slipping so, like Cruz, he first walked really slow till he figured out a way to trot without it being too much of a bumpy ride for me. 

I'm now happily washing my cloths while Radu is waiting elsewhere. Also, glancing around, it looks like I'm not the only one that's happy. I see adult females humming while they bathe and the younger ones are laughing merrily. Finishing washing my cloths, I head over to see if I can find a shorter branch to try hanging my cloths on. 

My left ear twitches to the sound of someone walking near my left. 

"Here Suki, let me help you out with that" says Natasha as she grabs my wet cloths and strings it up on a branch where the sun is touching.

Smiling thankfully at her, we both head over to bathe. As we helped each other with washing our back and hair, Natasha comments with mischievous hazel eyes, "I heard what happened with leader Axel's son, Vick." 

You heard??!? "Wha, what did you hear?" I try asking with a calm face. 

"Oh, I don't know, my mama heard it from one of my papas that said he was fishing at the river yesterday" smirks the older female teen with an amazingly gossipy voice.

Oh crap. "And what did he say?" Stay calm, stay calm Suki. He probably only heard and didn't see.

"Oh" pause "well" pause, "about how Vick gallantly defended you and" longer pause.

"And!" I squeak.

Snort. Natasha begins to giggle, "sorry Suki, you're just too small and cute that I can't help but tease you" she says as she pats my head. 

Pouting, I send some fast splashes to her face.

"Hey!" Shaking the water from her face she stops giggling and says, "let's get out of the river and I'll tell you the rest."

Nodding my head, we swim back and head over to the grassier area. Lying comfortably under the sun, Natasha begins, "I heard that a female cub told the big black scary bear beast 'be mine!'"

Darting my eyes away I shyly cough, "anddd"

Lifting an ear at my expression, she continues, "and how this beast didn't swat at her but instead protected her... so much that  he actually showed some good fatherly quality." She says as she smiled in amusement.

With a serious expression, Natasha then silently adds as she stares at the clouds, "I always thought he was terrifying."

Turning to the side, I now layed looking at her, "did you get to know him?"

She hums, "not him but I knew more of his brother"

Oh? "Lucas?"

Closing her eyes, she says with a small frown, "no, he had another brother... an older brother" pauses, "he died some time ago defending our tribe from ferrals."

Staying silent was the best I could do since I didn't know what to say. 

Puffing out some air, the cinnamon hair female adds with a small smile, "he was extremely kind, very sociable, and will often try to make us cubs laugh." A tear falls down her cheek. She then slowly opens her eyes, laughs softly, and cleans her tear off, "wow, I didn't think I would still feel hurt from his death."

I roll next to her, snuggle in and give her a hug. After a small period of hugging, we both sit up and she voluntarily starts to prune my hair. Getting back some emotion to her voice, she adds "so, if you really want to have Vick as part of your family just know that he's got a past that keeps on pushing him to be stronger and maybe even meaner."

Placing a hand on her cheek, she says,"though, from what he did for you. There's a chance that maybe you'll grow on him."

I hum in agreement and while twisting my upper body in order to see her better, I ask with determination "can you show me how to seduce a male?"

Natasha widens her smile and lovingly hugs me. "I'm not sure what I can show you, but when you can, try to watch me tonight at the campfire." She giggles and whispers, "I might be able to find a male for my future family." Suddenly letting out a gasp, she adds, "of course Bruce and Cruz will always be my major two."

Wait, what?! Before, I could ask more, a wet Elena comes jogging beside us screaming, "come on! We got to make the wreaths!" Natasha laughs and begins running toward the flowers, "dibs on yellow!" Running after Natasha I yell, "wait, I need to hear more!"


Some time has passed since we all made our own flower head wreaths, ate, giggled, and gossip. All females are now standing with their respective families waiting patiently for our tribesmen to arrive. 

"Hey Radu."

"Hmm?" he asks as he gently caresses my flower wreath.

"Do you mind if I wear this?" I ask as I signal to the purple and yellow flowers on my head.

Smiling he whispers in my ear, "no, because they're in my color right?"

I look deeply into his dark purple eyes, smile widely and hug him, "yes!" Then coyly added, "they're in your eye color and papa Dash's fur color, I'm glad you like it!"

The pale hand that was pleasantly hugging the little female cub freezes. Then he slowly begins to touch every single flower on her head, "yes, very beautiful," he purrs. 

Wagging my small tail, I question, "then I can keep on wearing them?"

Radu smiles and shakes his head in no. "Only for today so that you can show your skills to your mama."

I nod my head and sigh, "so I'm still too young to fully wear them huh."

He nods his head yes. Stupid tradition but oh well. I guess this is better so that I won't be married off, I think as I laugh internally at this unlikely predicament. 

Grabbing a little of his dark hair, I whisper while looking down "do you think I'll have some more papas?" I'm worried that like in the animal word, my new papas may try to drive my brothers and me out. 

Radu goes down on his knees and placing a hand under my chin, he gently moves my head toward his eyes. He whispers in a calm tone,"probably, and I'm sure they'll come to love you too." After giving him a small unconvincing smile, he adds in a more serious tone, "your mama is the type of female who would look for the best for you and her family. Believe in her."

I hum and hug him once more. Radu please quickly become stronger.


Author's Note:

Death will be experienced in this book. It's about surviving in a beast world. However, I'll still be aware to keep this as a comedy romantic type of book. Also, for those who have probably fallen in love with Radu... he'll be fine. 

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