Ch. 70 About The Single Males

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Uphill are the two familiar females sitting down on warm grass while looking downhill at the furiously working males. Umm splendid view indeed

"Hey Suki, I've been wondering. If there are more men.."


"... Males, than females, then what happens to those males that don't end up with a female?"

Hmmm, "before I answer, let's take a look at Vick and Wyatt."

Pointing my finger at the deliciously sweaty Vick easily handling over some heavy lumbars to Leo's and Adan's open arms, and then signaling my finger at the ever attentive Wyatt who with Radu is cleaning the inside of the den, I comment, "are to live with us to help protect you and me, but mostly you."

Sheila makes a dissatisfied face, "I know that, but from what? So far, I've seen that this place is peaceful and given that there are few females, the males from the village don't bother me."

Smiling at her ignorance, I answer with a smirk, "exactly." Softly flicking her head and hearing an oomph, I continue, "Vick is a three mark male which makes him stronger than most males of this village, not to mention that he's not easy on the males. As for Wyatt, despite being a two mark male, he's a bear beast which means that his strength is tremendous. Now imagine the strength of those two combined..."

Before she could answer, I kept speaking, "so, with Vick and Wyatt around, no other male from this tribe would dare try to get their scent on you... for they may think that those two bear beasts are courting you."

"Eeeekkkkk, no uh! How can they think that?" Noticing my widen eyes, she scratches her nose and looks down as she starts to shred pieces of grass, "I mean, I'm thankful that That is what keeps the other males away but why would they think that?" Looking up tearfully, she asks, "wait, is it possible that they think that way too?"

Giving her a small smile I let out a small sigh, "Wyatt is interested in becoming part of my family. And yes, I'm considering having him." To my confession, Sheila's cheeks blush. And not so far away from us, Wyatt ears that were slightly twitching at our conversation can be heard humming happily inside the den.

 My eyes then look down at the ever stoick male walking back to the forest for more lumbar, "as for Vick, no one really knows. Since young I've made it clear that I'm interested in him, but he's... difficult."

Sheila, noticing my sad stare, snorts, "I admit he's a sight to behold, but Suki, with your Amazonian-like body and strength I'm positive you'll have many males running to you."

My loud heartfelt laughter at her cute remark overpassed my males low growls and a loud bang sounded off in the forest. Her personality and her blonde hair reminds me of a pet in my other life. A golden retriever, I believe it was. Gently patting her head, I smile as I say, "maybe, but you would end up having many strong males wanting you... be them feral or not."

Sheila places a hand up in the universal stop sign. Unlike her usual expectant smiling or crying face, she comments with a serious expression, "I only want one male." 

Though knowing that in my old world and most probably hers the ratio of men and women was more leveled. I still couldn't understand that despite knowing what she knows so far of this world, she'll only want one.

Acknowledging my confused stare, she continues, "I've seen the look in their eyes." Looking at my Radu then at my other males, she adds in a sad tone, "I've noticed that they would sometimes show a hurt expression when you don't give them enough attention and honestly I can't see myself juggling more than one male."

Instead of raising my hackles at her honesty, I directly asked her, "then what would you do for protection?"

Sheila tilts her head, "protection as in food or from other males?"

 Ahh this innocent girl. "Food, weather conditions. Winter is harsh here... and of males such as ferals."

Noticing her curiosity, my tone went into teaching mode, "ferals are those who don't care about the care of females and ferals are those who don't mind eating other tribesmen."

Despite her gasp, I continue, "you asked before what happens to those males that don't have a female. Well, for those that never had one they are to be the first in line to protect our tribe and tribe territory. Be it from ferals, from collasols, and from attacking tribes. In other words, they are the first to fall. That is one of the reasons you don't see many old single males in any tribe."

Biting down on her lips, Sheila stays quiet. 

Seeing that she has grasped the seriousness of this world, I was about to try telling a corny joke when the girl looked up at me with a stubborn gaze. 

"Then I will have a mighty strong male."

"Oh? Such as?" This will be interesting.

Sheila holds her hands tightly on her lap, "if I'm to continue living here, then I'll search for a quadruple mark male."

Listening to her confident voice, I lift an eyebrow as I slowly nod my head.

"Then you'll have to travel."

Her smile freezes. "What?? Now????"

I laugh, "no, not now, we're in mid Summer, in a few it'll be fall. During the fall the tribe will start to eat and gather a tremendous amount of food for, as I said many times before, the winter is harsh."

Getting up, I smirk, "you said my body looks like an Amazonian (there's no such fictional tribal characters here but she won't know) but during the winter all of us females try to eat as much as we can, for when Spring comes we'll hopefully won't be too skinny... I advise for you to do the same."

Sheila looks down at her flat tummy, "but I look fine the way I am now."

Helping her up, I smack my lips, "no one says you don't. Remember Sheila, this world is of survival... Unless you can find methods to store many foods during the winter, keep my advice for  in the winter you may find yourself nibbling bones and listening as your stomach starts to eat itself."

Widening her eyes at my warning, Sheila immediately tells me, "show me how the beastmens prepare their food for the winter, and I'll see what I can help with."

Trying to uphold a kind smile, internally I'm laughing evilly. Yes! 

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